Chapter Forty-Three: Over

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Hermione shouted as she sent another curse hurling Bellatrix's way.

A sound of pure rage that Ginny echoed beside her, the two of them moving fluidly in tandem as they fought, holding their own against the older witch.

Hermione's entire existence had been restricted to the friend beside her and the enemy in front of her.

Every curse she sent was for someone she loved.

For Harry.

For Draco.

For Luna.

For Tonks.

For Lupin.

For Sirius.

For Neville, who had grown up without knowing a parent's love because of the woman before her.

For the countless, nameless and faceless, other muggleborns, muggles, witches and wizards who had fallen at the witch before her.

Who had fallen at the wand that Hermione currently held in her hand, using it against its owner.

Bellatrix dodged Ginny's curse and Hermione used the opportunity to hit Bellatrix with one of her own.

The witch nearly dodged it, but wasn't fast enough, and it sliced right through the waist of the dress she wore, a deep, red cut marred the pale skin now visible, beading with blood.

Not anywhere near a killing blow, but a blow nonetheless.

Bellatrix snarled in pain, casting a curse towards Ginny and forcing her to move so that Hermione was temporarily exposed.

Enough for Bellatrix's gaze to narrow in on the wand in Hermione's hand, finally noticing.


And before Hermione could stop it, Bellatrix's wand was flying out of her hand and towards its owner.

And Hermione was wandless.

Leaving Ginny to face Bellatrix alone.

Ginny stepped squarely in front of Hermione, now defenceless, without a hint of fear in her chocolate eyes.

Bellatrix grinned savagely as she beheld Ginny, now alone in the duel.

Without warning she sent a curse towards Ginny and Hermione didn't think as she shoved Ginny out of the way.

She would not lose another friend.

She clenched her eyes shut, welcoming the end with open arms as she waited for Bellatrix' curse to hit her.



Draco's roar echoed through the duelling partners, loud enough that a few of them faltered, sending alarmed looks his way.

He stood helplessly as he watched Hermione push her friend out of harm's way, so she could take Bellatrix's blow instead.

But instead, another redhead jumped in between Hermione and Bellatrix, pushing the younger witch aside to face the Death Eater.

Hermione stumbled as she opened her eyes, a look of surprise present on her features as she took in the older witch who had saved her.

Then Hermione looked as though something clicked into space and her gaze whipped around to the ongoing battle around her. She scanned the crowd as though looking for something until finally, the warmth of her brown eyes met Draco's own.

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