Chapter Thirty: Escape

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A/N: Hi everyone!

Thank you for your patience with my weird posting schedule this week, as we settle back in after the holidays.I wanted to give a brief disclaimer at the start of this chapter, that some of the quotes in this chapter are pulled straight from book seven, as there is some overlap between canon and the fic here. The quotes pulled from the book are not my writing, and not owned by me.

I hope you all enjoy, and again thank you so much for reading. I'm grateful for each and every one of you!


Draco didn't sleep that night. He couldn't. Not when Hermione's life depended on him finding a way out of here for her.

Hermione and he had sat until the early hours of the morning, debating and going over different possibilities. After looking at all of the angles, they both came to the conclusion that their best option would be for Draco to somehow cause a distraction, and in the confusion help Hermione escape. Draco would try and lift someone's wand so that she could apparate before anyone had a chance to stop her.

He had made the decision that he was going to try and grab his father's wand. After Lucius' previous attempt, it wouldn't be too far of a leap to believe that he had wanted another chance at torturing Hermione before Bellatrix got her chance. Lucius would deny it, of course, but it would at least instill in the others' minds that he was part of the reason she escaped.

How would she have gotten his wand otherwise?

He just had to hope the Dark Lord would be angry enough that he would punish Lucius without bothering to check his memories to see if his protests were warranted.

Draco sighed and paused in his pacing to look out his window towards the direction of the maze.

It didn't matter if it came back on him and he was punished. He didn't care. As long as he could get her away from here, it didn't matter what happened to him.

He glanced to his watch, nerves fluttering within him like loose pixies. It was time. Bellatrix had called his family to meet her before she dragged Hermione out, and he knew this would be his only chance to grab his father's wand before it was too late.

He made his way down to the drawing room where he would be joined by his mother, father, and aunt, and begged Salazar that Hermione would make it through this day.


Draco was seated in the Drawing Room, refusing to look at his father who sat opposite him. He needed to figure out how to separate Lucius' wand from him, but unfortunately the wand was being twirled between his father's fingers, as though Lucius somehow knew what Draco needed to do and was taunting him.

Bellatrix hadn't yet appeared, and his mother had been pulled away by a heavy knock on the front doors and had flitted away to handle it, leaving Lucius and Draco to ignore each other.

His mother's voice carried to him from the open door to the entrance hall, and Draco's attention was momentarily pulled from his goal as he recognized the tension there.

His head snapped towards the door, eyebrows pulling down in a look of displeasure as he heard heavy footsteps heading towards the drawing room where they currently sat, following the staccato taps of his mother's heels.

She entered the room first, her face pale and eyes wide as she looked to Draco before stepping aside to reveal the source of the commotion behind her.

Fenrir Greyback stepped into the room, looking even more vicious and animalistic than usual, dragging a young wizard with messy black hair. Draco could almost feel the blood draining from his face as he saw the tall, red-headed prisoner struggling against the hold of another snatcher who had shoved him through the door after Greyback, and realized just who the black-haired wizard was.

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