Pink scrubs

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Meredith decides to tease Addison on April fools
Meredith pov :
"Good morning Dr Webber" I greet Richard
"Well hello Meredith, you're here early you shift doesn't start for another hour?" He questions "You know how it is April fools? And Addison and I are on good terms so just for a bit of fun I thought about an idea and I need your help with it" I explained, "What's the idea?" Richard asks " So I was thinking to cheer her up how about I dress as her for the day," I tell him "Ok," he says hesitantly "I need some salmon coloured scrubs and her lab coat," I say "But then what coat is she gonna wear?" He chuckled "I'll just swap ours, but I need to get moving before she arrives and tells Bailey the reason I'm wearing different scrubs to the other interns," I say laughing "Ok don't worry about Bailey I'll let her know, you go get ready with this brilliant idea," he says walking away.

Quickly I change into my new scrubs and put on her white coat, luckily for me I'm on her service so this will be fun.

I went to the nurse's station to see her looking over some charts "Hey Addison" I say even though I know I should call her Dr Montgomery, but it's part of the prank "That's Montgomery-Shepard to you" she said still looking at the charts "So what cases today?" I said Over enthusiastically hoping she would look up "You seem happy, did you sleep with my dumbass husband?" She asked sarcastically "I wouldn't do that again, EVER, Addison" I answered emphasising the 'ever' and feeling slightly hurt "Grey you're pushing it" she warned "Sorry McHottie" I joked "Since when am I 'McHottie' and why in the hell are you in my spare scrubs ?" She questioned finally acknowledging I existed "Well you are a hot person and I spilt coffee down my scrubs and Richard gave these to me" I explained, "Is there something you need to ask or tell me because you don't particularly like me and you are being overly nice to me right now," she said, "Oh it's just you seemed sad and you deserve more than Derek, by the way, I like you, you are annoyingly kind and painfully smart and not easy to hate," I say  "Ok let's go see our patients" she smiled.

The cases went well until right at the end of one a patient called Madison said "Wait you are Dr Montgomery-Shepard right?" Pointing to Addison "Yep why?" She asked popping the 'p' "But why is Dr Grey's coat say, Dr Addison Montgomery-Shepard?" Madison asked, "That is a good question, Dr grey a word?" Addison asked smirking at me and walked out

"I-I'm sorry it was just a bit of fun and I wanted to be like you?" I stuttered "Calm down Meredith I'm joking I'm not ma- wait you want to be like me?" She asked with a slight blush forming "I mean yeah your-your awesome and very Mchot may I add" I giggled "Do .... Um do you want to .... Um get a drink after work maybe ?" She chuckled nervously "Wait are you serious?" I asked, "Meredith I just stuttered asking you of all people out for a drink yes I'm serious, why wouldn't I be?" She smiled placing a hand on my shoulder "Good so it's not an April fools joke, I get off at 6 so I can meet you in the lobby if you want?" I leaned into her touch "Nope not an April fools joke, I will meet you in the lobby at 6" she grinned walking away.

I was sitting down in the lobby on my phone when a particular redhead leaned down to my ear and whispered "Hey stranger" "Hey Mchottie" I blushed "Well let's get to Joe's" she smiled.

We got to the bar and sat down on the stools after she ordered a cosmo and I got tequila "So I have a confession to make" she said breaking the silence "Me too actually" I admitted "So I kinda love having you work with me" she said looking at the ground "I love working with you too and I kinda like you" I played with my fingers to scared to look up "Wah? As in like like?" she asked "Maybe the reason I wore the same scrubs as you was because I wanted your attention" I said still not looking at her the she but two fingers und my chin lifting it up so I could see her "Chin up Grey, you wanted my attention and you have so answer my question" she chuckled "Ok yes , yes I do like like you" I said staring into her eyes and I felt her breath catch "Ok good because I feel the same for you and actually I almost died on the spot when you called me 'Mchottie' because I thought you hated me" She held the eye contact "Addison I don't hate you I never have and I hope you don't mind me doing this" I leaned closer "doing wha-" before she could finish her sentence I pressed my lips to hers and felt a good but unfamiliar felling building up. The best feeling ever.

April fools teasing Where stories live. Discover now