The walk to the agency

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Atsushi stepped through the agency doors expecting chaos, but instead found it engulfed in silence.

"What's going on?" Atsushi asked.

Kunikida turned to him and gave him a serious look. The rest of the agency gave him pitying looks, except for Dazai.

"The Port Mafia needs you and Akutagawa to go on a mission together again!" Dazai said wearing a teasing look. Atsushi groaned.

"He hates my guts. I don't feel like being murdered." Atsushi complained loudly. Ranpo gave him a lolipop in pity. "Thanks." Atsushi mumbled. Dazai smiled suspiciously. "What?!" Atsushi said suddenly afraid. Dazai could be scary sometimes. You never knew what he was planning. Kunikida sighed.

"I'm sorry to tell you this brat, but Dazai is part of the reason the Port Mafia insisted on you." Kunikida said flashing Dazai a glare.

"Dazai!!!" Atsushi whined.

"Sorry At-su-shhii-kun!" Atsushi could tell he was not sorry at all. While the ageny went back to work Atsushi grudgingly walked towards the shops were he was supposed to meet Akutagawa to discuss their plans. In the shopping center, Atsushi walked until he found Akutagawa sitting on a bench.

"Jinko!" Atsushi was grabbed tightly by the wrist and dragged into an alleyway were they were to discuss the mission plan.

"Ouch." Mumbled Atsushi.

After their mission

Atsushi and Akutagawa walked silently towards the agency. Akutagawa had insisted on coming to speak to Dazai. The two of them felt awkward.

"Hey Jinko," Akutagawa suddenly said breaking the silence. Atsushi looked towards him and waited. "Tell your president to stop sending us on a mission all the time."

"Hey, it's both of our organization leaders who decide this!" Atsushi pouted. He felt oddly offended. Why did he even care if Akutagawa didn't want to go on a mission with him? He looked at Akutagawa, he liked looking at him. Atsushi thought Akutagawa looked pretty.

"Jinko?" Akutagawa said alerting Atsushi he had been staring for too long.

"Ah sorry, I just.." Atsushi stammered, trailing off. His cheeks burned red.

"We're here." Akutagawa pointed to the agency. Atsushi nodded.

"Let's go." He looked back only to see a flustered Akutagawa. "Huh?"

"I just remembered I need to head back to the Port Mafia base." His cheeks reddened even more. Atsushi felt stunned. Was Akutagawa really going to let go of an opportunity to speak to Dazai? Dazai suddenly appeared. "Hello Dazai-san." Akutagawa said greeting him.

"Hello Akutagawa-kun!" Dazai said in his usual cheery mood. Akutagawa excused himself and fled. Then a thought suddenly occured in Atsushi's mind. Had Akutagawa just walked him to the agency and used Dazai as an excuse to cover it up? Atsushi flushed at the thought. He looked up at Dazai, remembering he was there. Dazai's lips curled into a smile.

"Oh? Is our Atsushi-kun blushing?"

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