Chapter #1: The New Isle

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Lyria glanced around, before walking into the forest. "I'm gonna go check on something!" She grinned. She ran quickly into the forest, eyes looking around for two specific dinosaurs. Echo, and Charlie. Two of her father's raptors that had helped her when she fell off the monorail(reference to my old book/story that I deleted). Ben was saying bye to Bumpy, but she knew he'd find a way to bring her. Unless he really moved on from wanting to bring her. But, that didn't mean she could for the raptors. She pet them both. "I'll find a way to get you two on, I promise." She said, smiling. They both let out even growling sounds. She grinned, hugging them both before walking away. "I promise..." she mumbled to herself.

"Ready to go, Lyria?" Ben asked. The others were already on the boat.

"Ben, let's talk for a moment." She said, dragging him away.

"Lyria-" she cut him off.

"Ben. No. This is not a confession. You want to bring Bumpy, right?" Lyria asked.

"Well- sort of. She has a family here on the island." She facepalmed.

"I was thinking of sneaking them on, Ben."

"Them?" She sighed.

"Yes, Ben. Bumpy and the raptors, Echo and Charlie." Lyria grumbled.

"Oh- your two scary raptor bodyguards." Ben said, nodding.

"Ben, I AM capable of defending myself. I don't need 'bodyguards' ok?" She asked, before looking at the boat. "There is a place under where the rooms are. I found it when I was looking at the boat. We could hide them there." She offered.

"I don't trust them. They have been good, but how are we sure they won't be tempted to eat Bumpy?" Ben asked.

"I told them not to, plus they'll eat fish." Lyria explained.

"No. Bumpy will be staying here."
Ben said. "I made my decision."

"Well, fish once they run out of their supply on meat. I stole it.." Lyria smiled sheepishly.

"Gods- you are SO a Hermes kid." Ben said, grumbling. "Explains why I have no idea who my parents are." Lyria said, winking. Kenji glared as the two talked, and just went to stand in the captain room. "They both were thieves! I mean- he IS the god of thievery." She said, shrugging. Ben nodded.

"We better go now, then." He said. Lyria nodded, and went back to the two raptors.

"Stealth, you got that? Stealth." She repeated, and signaled for them to follow her. The raptors did as she signaled, and told them to do. She opened up the door to the room underneath. "In here. Now, no roughhousing, and no loud noises." She ordered.

They looked at each other, and just let out the growling noise. Lyria nodded. "I'll come down in a bit to feed you two." She said, then shut the door. She walked away.

"Are we ready to go now, Lyria?" Sammy asked.

Yasmina walked over, "If you ask me, when Kenji saw you two together talking, he got a little jealous." She whispered.  Lyria laughed.

"Sounds like him." She snickered.

"Why would he be jealous?" Ben asked. Brooklynn let out a laugh.

"Just, don't mind it Ben." She said. Lyria nodded to Kenji.

"Alright Captain K! We're ready!" She yelled up to him. He nodded, letting out a chuckle.

"Andddd, here we go." He nodded, turning the boat on. And they left the island they spent months on. It was...a second home. Well, a dangerous second home.

Lyria smiled at the island, sighing slightly. "Maybe we can come back, and it won't be mayhem." Kenji said, as he slid down next to her. She laughed slightly.

"Er- I got to go do something." She said, and walked away. Kenji thought for a moment. He appeared to be lost in thought. Ben walked up, patting Kenji.

"Hey, we're gonna eat." He said, gesturing to the deck couches. He nodded, walking over and sitting beside Ben. He glared at Darius as he sat, eating.

"Where is Lyria?" He asked. Brooklynn sighed, and just sat with Darius.

"Hey, don't let Kenji get to you. It could've been anyone." She said, smiling softly at him. Darius nodded.

"She went below decks." He shrugged.

Lyria was, feeding the raptors she snuck aboard. Part of Darius... was long lost at the island. His dinosaur. His raptor. Or was it? "Here." She said, lugging a stack of meat on the floor. "Eat up." She smiled. Back on the island, the dinosaurs were being transported to the new one. But, it would backfire on the transporters, and the workers. The raptors ran forward, and began biting at the meat. She smiled, and walked away, shutting the door. Lyria came back up. "Oh- we're eating now?" She laughed. Ben nodded silently, knowing what she was doing, as before she had asked him if he wanted to do the same thing. Sammy and Yaz were sitting next to eachother. What more could you expect? They were 'besties' after all. The two just giggled and laughed. Lyria raised an eyebrow at the two, before laughing as well. Them three had their own inside jokes.

"Yaz- remember when, when- we did that one thing-" She nodded, laughing.

After the Mosasaurus attack, and reaching an island...

The group found themselves docking an island. "Whew freedom-" Darius was about to yell, when he saw something in the shadows. Lyria was the first to jump out, along with Ben. The group had found out she snuck the raptors on, and they followed her off.

"Echo, right. Charlie, left." She ordered. That shadow. Darius felt a slight pang of guilt. Was that Blue? He shook the thought aside. She was still on the island, right? Darius followed Lyria, inspecting the foot prints. "Darius. We both know more than anybody who, and what left these prints." She said. He nodded, trying to stop from tearing up. Blue had been rescued from that island of dinosaurs. Or so, he thought. All Darius knew, was that he and that raptor, had shared something beyond the universe. Something that raptor only accomplished with one other being, Owen Grady.

He didn't care. Darius took off, following the tracks of that long lost dinosaur pal of his. He stopped, seeing the raptor. "Blue.." he mumbled, his mouth agape. Brooklynn had followed him, and grabbed hold of Darius's hand.

"What's wrong, Dino-nerd?" She questioned. He pushed the feelings down, and hugged Brooklynn.

"Blue. The raptor- she made it off the island." He smiled. She lightly laughed, hugging him back.

"Glad you're happy then, D." She smirked, before pushing him playfully. He grinned, and started chasing her. Soon, the two ended up on the grassy forest floor, laughing and smiling as Darius tickled Brooklynn. The rest of the group watched them peacefully before a roar was heard, interrupting their shipping moment. Lyria grumbled.

"So did Rexy, aye?" She joked, sighing and trudging through the forest. "Time to continue original plan. Run until we find help." She laughed. But, they didn't know help wasn't on the island. Or was it? They just weren't looking close enough...

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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