Little starter so you understand

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                    Here is a little information so you know about what a hunter is in this world. A hunter is a person with ability's that allow them to terminate or eliminate spirits, that is a hunters only purpose in there life is to protect humanity from them. A spirit is a sentient being that can not be seen by the regular human eye, not without aid of a high caliber, only hunters can see then and select humans. these select humans are known as gauges. they can see the ability's of hunters and see spirits, they can see the information of all the spirits and hunters, what there ability's are and wither or not they can grow, they are the one that scout people for different classes of hunters. 

An explanation of different types of spirits.

Spirits come in different grades, each grade having a specific trait. Each variation is more deadly than the other

Grade 1: being small animistic creatures that are harmless, they get scared and run away from humans

Grade 2: Less afraid of humans and slightly larger and more presence

Grade 3: They are not intimidated by humans alone but a hunter they are, They resemble a more humanoid figure, They will attack if they feel threatened. They prey on small humans and animals

Grade 4: Standing fully upright on two legs, they have two arms but their "flesh" seems to be scaly or have bug-like tendrils, they will attack hunters and humans, their main food source seems to be larger animals such as deer and antelope.

Grade 5: Increasingly hostile and will present more of a challenge to newbie hunters, they will kill at any given moment.

Grade 6: A much larger and more powerful variant of grades 2 and 3. Much more hostile and can be as big as a sedan or an SUV

Grade 7: Self aware and can communicate to some extent, larger, stronger than any of the previous ones, they could take on one of every violent class and come out on top.

Grade 8: They have motivation to kill people and will hold people hostile, very intelligent for the class, they will kill for sport but they are more or less the most common strong type, but still less common than grade 7

Grade 9: This is one known as the super large, it can be as tall as a two story building and usually will have a humanoid form sporting 2 or more arms, some take forms of eldritch gods because of their sheer size and power. It's every attack class hunter to take one down on their own, but has been the death of most who try.

Grade 10: usually come in the high range of 9 foot all and having longer arms and legs, scrawny in figure but sporting long claws, they are the fastest spirit known, they have not been known to communicate very often and are rare in the spirit world to even be spotted much less in the human world.

Grade 11: These spirits are the most powerful due to their intellect, their record height is 6'4, they look like regular humans, but their presence is massive, they can control any spirit grade 6 and below because they can overpower the spirits' will. When forced the spirit will fight, these are more common than grade 10

Grade 12: Known more or less as spirit kings, they are rare because only 4 can exist at one time, they can control any spirit that is any level beneath them. Like grade 11 they are smart but there hand to hand combat, they could fold an A rank attack hunter like laundry, though there purpose usually resides in the spirit world trying to take over that world and they have been rarely sighted.

Husk: Husks are the lifeless spirits that stand throughout the spirit world as bodies for grade 12's when a new one is born, but the number of husks outlast the number of grade 12's there are in the world at one time. They can be used as weapons for some people's abilities who have marionette abilities. 

Hunter classes.

Attack Hunter, Their abilities are most powerful and they have the ability to kill spirits there spirit energy release is much higher and much more powerful. They are trained from a young age to kill and detain spirits, they are only making up 20 percent of any hunter ranks

Defender Hunters: These are the hunters with abilities that allow them to create or defend civilians or other hunter classes, their spirit energy release is sub par compared to attack hunters, but they do have the ability to go on the offensive if need be. They make up about 40 percent of the hunters.

Support hunters: They sport abilities that can increase the abilities of every hunter, their spirit energy release is less than any other hunter type, they can not fight because their abilities will not allow them to. They make up 40 percent of the hunters.

Hunter Ranking.

D class: Usually beginner hunters and a very small population of the support hunters, they focus on guarding places or training to raise their rank. Usually have unpolished abilities or no strength

C class: a small majority of hunters with promise but are still rough around the edges, usually the leader of guarding places and commanding d classes or training them. Rarely sent out to kill any spirits.

B class hunters: Hunters with experience and can kill spirits effectively. They get sent in as a scouting team to defuse situations and gauge how powerful a spirit is, they will hold there positions or fight the spirit if no help is needed or hold the spirit there while an A or S rank arrives to kill it.

A class hunter: Usually an attack or defense hunter that is powerful, they will get sent to deal with spirits grade 4 and up, and could most likely take out a grade 8 spirit. They are usually the backup sent to help b ranks and are constantly mobile to get to calls fast

S rank: They are the most powerful group of hunters there are, the most of them are attack type hunters sprinkled with a few defense types that have impressive methods of attack. They most likely ex high school aces which are trained during high school to defend the school from attack.

Defects: Previous hunters that have defected to helping the spirits gain their ultimate goal. Taking over the world. All you have to do to gain that is to go into the spirit world and pledge your loyalty to one of the four spirit kings and then you will gain the ability to use your own spirit energy to turn lower leveled spirits into higher level ones, the higher the level, the more it costs you in your spirit energy to level them up. But the more you level up a spirit the become more indebted to the defect and have to work for him.

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