For a moment he hesitated. He thought of the most possible answer he could give,of course he wasn't going to say he did because that will only aggravate the situation and neither did he want to lie but in what way could he answer her without lying or putting himself in trouble.

"I don't" he said as he swallowed a gulp.

"I can't believe that with the number of people in this house,no one saw when she fell into the pool to the extent of drawing" Doreen lamented while Myles just nodded in agreement.

"Frankly speaking Myles I don't know what to tell your grandmother or her parents,speaking to your grandma yesterday I got to find out that her sick sister will be due for surgery in two days time and her parents wish she did come home before it happens, her sister won't stop asking about her and she demanded she sees her before she's operated upon incase she does not make it out of the theatre,and now this,i don't know how to break the news to her seriously" Doreen voiced.

Myles took few steps towards her, towering over her small form,he wrapped his hands around her in a comforting way.

"We could just tell them, she's not in the position to come home,they did understand since they know she doesn't have the best of health status" Myles suggested as he rub his aunt back in a comforting way.

She sniffed,break the hug and held his large hands in hers.
"I just need you to promise me this Myles,that when Zuriel regains herself,you will be the best husband to her,come what may" she said with pleading eyes.

"I promise I will, come what may" he promised giving her a tight smile.

She pulled him into her arms hugging him tightly.

*** ***
It was almost midnight and while the house was dead quiet probably because it's occupants were fast asleep Myles couldn't.
His heart won't stop racing and as guilt gnaw at him he couldn't help but see Zuriel in everything in the room.
He tried to sleep but failed,he wanted to rid himself of the guilt but didn't know how.
Finally after hours of turning in the bed and pacing around the room he decided to leave the house.
He pulled on a pair of jeans toppling it up with a matching jacket and made his way out of the deadly quiet room into the parking lot.

He hop onto the Yamaha yzf-r6 and zoomed off. The gate keepers who were already fast asleep were forced to their feet when they heard the sound of the roaring engine of the bike and out they went to the gate.

The front lights blinded their vision and from afar they couldn't see who was approaching until he was few metres closer. After exchanging pleasantries they made to open the door and he zoomed out when they did.

Riding into the streets at such an hour was much easier than he expected. He did expect the streets to be filled or properly still noisy with pedestrian walking around and probably and small traffic but the opposite seems to be the case. The old audible noise was that of a siren from the vans of police on patrol.

*** ****

He felt a rush of emotions immediately he stepped on the hospital ground. All he did was hope and wish as he made his way towards the building.

The nurses had refused him entrance to the ward, telling him if he wanted to see her he should come back the following morning, but Myles was restless he didn't know why he was overcome by a surging urge to see her, maybe because he was fearing for the unknown. It didn't know what he will do to himself if they lost the thought of that only sent him running out of the hospital into the premises hyperventilating and sweating thoroughly. He went back in when he finally regained himself and got himself a seat at the back of the waiting area in the reception.

*** *** ***
Louis didn't know how, but he found himself outside the hospital building glaring at the hospital name plate at the highest floor of the building. Maybe it was grief or the Love he had for Zuriel or maybe something else but he knew that there was a reason behind him being here. He couldn't sleep a blink when his mind was constantly being pulled to Zuriel almost lifeless self on the bed. He had come to love and care for her more than he had ever to any of his siblings, he knew she was special not because she is a lady with special need but because in her being and nature you could see that she was special, she was quite mature and down to earth more than anyone at her age and generation could ever be and that was one thing he loved about her, she was a woman worth Knowing, a woman that though carries a lot troubles but still find a reason to smile so beautifully, who wouldn't be drawn to such a person?.
He had cry so much that he couldn't anymore, he was sure that he had drained out his tears and possibly lost his voice in the process.

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