“So?” Edward hissed.

Brett with his trembling legs and aching body, leaned up against the wall. He could feel blood flowing down his cheek but he didn’t dare to utter a single word.

He struggled to walk so bad that Edward lost his patience.

He kicked Brett down, Brett could feel his stomach churned out of pain then he felt his hair being gripped by those harsh hands. He was being dragged out by his hair, he felt all that excruciating torment but the more he moved, the more he felt those agonizing pulls.

He cried so much that his eyes had swollen up so bad, with his cheek now bruised to the max and his body aching all over from the hits and blows.

Edward just shut his ears to the wails of his victim and pulled harder to reach the truck faster.

When Brett was being dragged outside, he didn't miss tue chance to look around but what he saw was that they were in the woods, a tiny house in which they were in and nothing more, he felt his tiny little hope lost its spark.

Edward ended up lifting and roughly throwing his victim to the back of the truck. He tied his hands so tightly that the rope dug his pale skin and so his legs too, then he double taped his mouth and blindfolded him.

Brett could only whimper out of pain, he couldn’t even make a small squeak because of those tight ropes and thick tapes.

Edward then grabbed his hair again and shoved Brett’s head up, Brett was terrified that he wetted himself.

“Disgusting” Edward spatted as he saw Brett’s pants.

Then Brett felt something being injected into him, his breathing fasten but breathing only through his nose made him dizzier and he was suspiciously getting weaker and sleepy by the second.

“Sleep tight princess” Edward then went out and locked the door.

Brett felt the sleepiness was taking over him, he then had no strength to even sit, he fell down to the floor then all he felt was the truck moving before passing out.



After driving for nearly 6 hours, Edward stopped in the middle of the road, he got out of the truck and stretched, his muscles cracked, and feeling satisfied he then decided to check on his victim. He scanned the area first and then proceeded to open the door.

He hopped in and then saw his victim, still sleeping because of the drug.

“Hmm, the drug works efficiently well” He scanned his victim; he had never seen a man this fragile before. His bruised skin looked so painful with dry clots of blood sticking on his face and neck.

“He stinks” Edward scoffed, realizing again that the man had peed on himself and went out, securely locking the door. He had to drive 5 more hours to reach his hiding spot so without wasting precious time, he drove ahead.



“What!! Brett is missing?!!” Mr. Yang exclaimed with pure shock.

Mike nodded.

“Yes, no one had contacted him since yesterday. I went to his apartment but the security guard told me that he hadn’t gone home from yesterday's work”

“Have you contacted his friends? He must be somewhere with his usual..”

“I’ve contacted everybody, there’s no sign of him. It’s like he just vanished” Mike cut him off.

“No!! Contact the Special Forces under my wing and search all CCTV footages surrounding our company and his way home. Find him” Mr. Yang was distressed, but he hoped Brett to be somewhere, somewhere safe, just a misunderstanding, just a typical Brett.

Mike stormed out and did everything his dad told him, he just hoped everything would go well.



Edward stopped at a small mart to grab dinner and for a bathroom break, he stepped outside his truck and saw some teenagers nearby.

He had an uneasy feeling then, glanced to the back of the truck and seemed like his victim was still sleeping. So, he shrugged it off and went inside the mart.

But, Brett had already awoken. He could hear the door closed and the sound of footsteps being more distant. He sat up and tried to break free of the ropes, but all he was doing was making the ropes slicing deeper into his flesh.

He then suddenly heard laughters of what seemed to be a group of people.

He tried to scream but the tape was too tight and only muffled screams escaped through it, he then had an idea. He wriggled to the side of the truck and slammed himself to it again and again.

One of the teenagers glanced to the truck.

“What the hell is that?”

“Must be an animal” one of the teenager shrugged it off.

“Come on, let’s go and look if it’s a horse or something”

“Geez, Billy, really?” His friend shrugged him off.

Billy then went towards the truck. He didn’t know what came over him but he had an off-feeling about it.

The slamming didn’t stop even for a second and that made him more curious. He knocked on the side of the truck and the slamming seemed to fasten.

“Hello?” The slamming stopped. Billy tried to look for a peep-hole but didn't find any.

He then placed his ears against the side, and then tried to listen for something, anything.

Brett’s whole body was now so weak, he had put on every bits effort in him but now he was shruddering because of the agony that his body now felt, but he tried to scream again, he was so close, just a bit more.

Billy vaguely heard something, maybe a voice?

Billy tried to somehow dig his ears deeper when suddenly out of nowhere, he felt himself being yanked away by his collar. He was being pulled so hard and swift that he choked a bit.

“My My! Don’t go on sniffing on other’s private property, kid” Edward glared, making Billy frozen with cold sweats merely from the man’s glares.

Road to Utopia ( A Breddy/Twoset Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now