The funeral

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Alora's POV
I just wanted to get rid of the brat, that's all. And now I'm in jail. I've been here for like a month now and I have no idea how long until I get out of this dump, I'm going to trial in like a week to find out my sentence.

Ryan's POV
She's gone. Another person I love is gone. I hate Alora, why did I ever trust her? She's a monster. She is crazy. After I told her that my wife died she decided to kill my daughter!? I'm never dating again and that's final.

Sofia's POV
I woke up and started coughing up water. I was in this big box that looked like the one mommy was in. I got scared so I started banging on the top and screaming dads name. Someone started opening the top and I saw dad. "Sofia! Are you ok?" "No I'm not ok dad what happened, where's Alora?"

Ryan's POV
I was at her funeral and I absolutely hated seeing her in that coffin. I started walking away because I couldn't handle the sight but then I heard banging and screaming. I ran over to Sofias coffin and opened it. There she was. I hugged her tight and I wanted to hug her forever. After I took her to get some ice cream and some food and from then on I didn't let her out of my sight until she was old enough.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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