The proposal

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Ryan's POV
Me and Alora have been dating for a couple of months now and I think Sofia has gotten used to her so that made me more happy. I went into Sofia's room and asked her the big question, "hey sweetheart?" "Yea?" She responds, "um so I've been thinking and I think I wanna get married to Alora, do you think that's ok with you?" Sofia stared at me for a second before jumping up and down saying "yes yes yes! Do it! I want her to be my new mommy!" I almost cried seeing the sight, I haven't seen her this exited for ages. "Well that's great sweetheart, do you wanna come ring shopping with me?" "Yes!" She responded. "Well alright c'mon let's go to the car.

Sofia's POV
I've wanted a new mommy for forever I can't believe that I'm getting a new one now! I really like Alora and I think she looks a lot like mommy! I hope mommy comes back soon but I don't think she ever will because a lot of months ago I saw her in this big box, I don't know what it was but I hope my mommy is ok. But I think my new mommy is just as perfect as her! I can't wait to go get a ring so daddy can get married to Alora!

Ryan's POV
Ok I'm gonna let Sofia pick the ring because she has good taste in stuff like that just like her mom did. She picked the most beautiful ring ever and the price was just right, I think I might decide to propose tomorrow at dinner. I bought the ring and also got a box with the ring. I know that I made the right choice because me and Sofia both love Alora and that's amazing.

Ryan's POV
Ok 2hrs till dinner and I'm already sweating. I walk into Sofia's room to see her putting makeup on, "sweetheart you don't need makeup!" I say. She jumps up and giggles, "not for tonight! For the wedding silly!" She didn't need makeup for that either but I'll let her do her thing.

Ryan's POV
Ok ok you got this Ryan you can do this, I kept repeating in my head. "Alora?" "Yes?" She asked "umm so I've been thinking for a while and umm" I pulled the red box out of my pocket, "will you marry me?" I asked. "YES! YES! OMG YES!" She screamed. I jumped up and twirled her around. This was amazing and it reminded me of the day I proposed to Brianna.

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