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Imani stood outside in the carpark of a dinner, a set of keys in her hand

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Imani stood outside in the carpark of a dinner, a set of keys in her hand. She pressed the open button and was pleased when a black jeeps headlights flashed. She didn't know which dumbass had left them behind in the middle of an apocalypse but in the end, it was her gain. Plus, she had never been opposed to stealing.

She opened the driver side door and hopped into her new car, throwing her rucksack onto the passenger sides floor. After eyeing the few zombies around her she turned on the car and hit the lock button nodding slightly when she heard the click. Imani reversed the car out of the parking lot, ensuring that she slammed into multiple zombies that had been attracted to the noise of the engine revving. The amount of noise it made when starting up concerned her and she knew shed have to tinker with it later to make it quieter, if she could find an auto repair shop that hadn't been emptied out that was.

As Imani cruised along different streets, she pulled down the sun visor so she could look in the mirror. She was pleased to see her cute little afro space buns were holding their shape thanks to her 3c curls, the purple butterfly accessories sparkling when she moved her head. Her momma had taught her to always look presentable no matter the situation and a zombie apocalypse didn't mean you could let your hair go wild. Imani always followed her momma's advice which is why the first things she grabbed when she heard the news where her hair products and silk bonnet.

Finally looking away from the mirror Imani's eyes widened when she saw she was heading straight for a person having swerved of the road and onto the crosswalk, slamming her foot on the break the car lurched as the tires screeched against the pavement, the bonnet hitting the man lightly causing him to fall back slightly the gun in his hand dropping to the ground. Imani narrowed her eyes at that and didn't get out of the car only rolling down her window slightly. "Sorry bout that, didn't see ya there" she yelled at the man who grunted as he stood up, "you are not West, yet you have his car, who are you little birdy" the man said as he picked his gun up and pointed it towards her.

Imani moved her foot lightly on the brake, her hand on the gear stick ready to move the car if things went south which they immediately did due to her big mouth, "I found the car, it's mine now. Finders' keepers bitch" she yelled before shifting into reverse and hitting the gas travelling a few meters back before shifting into drive and swerving around the man speeding down the street whilst throwing a middle finger back at him out the window hearing him angrily yelling in gibberish.

 Whoever this West was going to have to do without his car because it was hers now and she was gonna paint it rainbow as a screw you to whoever he was. He left his car behind, and everyone knows the rules, you leave stuff behind in an apocalypse its fair game for anyone.

Imani decided not paint her new car rainbow in the end,  deciding that it was too complicated and settled for filling it with charms and stickers. Stickers that were she made sure would never be removed from any surface, got to love gorilla glue. Pulling the car to the side of the road Imani reached into her rucksacks outer pocket to retrieve her bright orange phone. 

It hadn't exactly come in that colour but what could she do? Leave it in its ugly pure white state, no way. Everything had to be vibrant and pretty, just like herself. Imani tapped away at the screen opening google maps which luckily gave you information of gas stations, supermarkets, and auto-repair shops without needing internet, which is extremely convenient when you only have SOS to rely on.

Tracking her path Imani pulled away from the curb and back onto the street heading towards a supermarket first, she knew it was unlikely that there'd be items but was worth a shot. After about five minutes she pulled into the carpark and hopped out, shoving her rucksack under the dashboard to hide it. She only took a few bags to throw thing into as well as her knife.

 She walked quietly up to the smashed door avoiding any sticks or glass, hearing nothing Imani quickly entered the store checking each isle carefully. There was barley anything left, she was only able to find a bag of sushi rice, a spaghetti packet which had fallen under a shelf and a defrosted bag of frozen peas. Once she reached the final isle, she was ecstatic to see products on the shelf, as she walked closer her face dropped. There in all their glory sat vegan products.

Imani felt the need to curl into a ball and sob, so she did. She sobbed silently for a good five minutes before standing up and grabbing the flours, tofu, and oats. They would last her a while seeing as they where larger packets. Imani began walking towards the front of the store when she noticed a door to her left, curious she walked towards it and pushed it her curiosity raising as she poked her head in and looked around. She burst through the door as quietly as she could when she realised what was behind it, the loading bay where all the products were stored before shelving.

Curiosity didn't kill the cat this time she celebrated as she picked up a box labelled chocolate and stacked it on top of a box labelled ramen. It was her lucky day seeing as it was the expensive type, as she turned to leave after finding another packet of oats and some muesli bars she came face to face with a zombie and realised why people may not have come back here.

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