School day

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"So, uh, where did you move from?" Eren asked. They had walked about a block and a half in total silence.

"Here and there, no where special." The kid spoke without looking at Eren. The teen sighed. He played with the string on his hoodie. He was about two blocks away... he let the thought live in his head. This kid was going to get crushed by the boys. They always gathered at the same corner. Eren had spent the last year figuring out how to get around them. He had come up with leaving his house early, and running. It helped with his stamina, got him away from them, plus he was never late to school. He smirked.

"What, brat?" Levi growled. Eren glanced over at the strikingly handsome teen.

"Uh, n, nothing." He waved him off. Levi arched an eye brow.

"These muggers of yours..." His voice trailed off as he watched Eren's eyes dart up. He glanced toward the large tree they always hid behind.

"Yeah we should cross the street about n..." An arm fell over Eren's shoulders.

"Well, well look it here, boys." Reiner cried into Eren's ear. "Looks like the little faggot has a wittle friend." He reached out to pinch Levi's cheeks. Eren wasn't sure what happened next. One second Reiner was laughing and joking with his friends, the next he was on his knees before Levi.

Eren blinked. Levi held Reiner's hand. It was twisted painfully away from his body. "I don't like to be touched." Levi hissed at him. He released Reiner. "I also don't like that word you used. Just because we are gay doesn't mean we are a bundle of sticks." He added turning his back on Reiner. "Don't let me hear you say it again." He turned his molten mercury eyes back on the blond teen still on his knees. "Got it?" He asked a quirk to his lips. To his shock, Eren saw Reiner nod.

Levi took Eren's hand pulling him away. "It's this way, right love?" He smirked so only the slightly taller teen could see.

"Um, right." They walked a ways away before Levi let go of him. Eren glanced over his shoulder. The three boys were walking approximately half a block behind them. Reiner was holding his arm.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt him permanently." Levi scowled.

"It's not that." Eren rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. Armin came up to them as they reached their meeting spot outside of the school.

"Oh, hey, who are you?" the blond asked the ravenette.

"Levi." He barked but flicked his eyes back to Eren. "What?" he demanded.

"This is Armin, he's my best friend." Eren smiled. Levi blinked at him.

"Sure what ever, now what?" He snarled a bit louder.

"Oh, well you acted like we were, um ya know, um..."

"Together?" Levi asked. Eren nodded.

"You made them think you're gay too." He added.

"That's because I am." Levi shrugged.

"Oh, um..." Eren stammered.

"Mister Ackerman, I presume?" a tall flamingo looking woman glared down her straight nose at Levi the second the three of them stepped into the school.

"Yeah?" Levi muttered.

"Follow me. You two" She spat the word making it sound like she meant to say something far less child friendly. "Go to breakfast." She waved them off. Armin took Eren's arm.

"Who was that?" He demanded.

"A new kid who moved to my building." Eren hissed back.

The day was pretty uneventful after that. Levi was in most of Eren's classes. The raven haired kid didn't really talk to him after the walk to school. He was paired with a more popular kid with helped out on this committee that got new kids shown around. Connie was a decent kid, if a bit of a loud mouth and had about as much brains as a potato chip bag...

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