Back Stage//Jesse

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Jesse x Male! Reader


I was setting up backstage for the 4*Town concert happening in 30-35 minutes.

I accidentally went backstage and saw a very distressed Jesse.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked, jogging up to him.

"I'm gonna do horrible! I'm gonna ruin everything and get kicked out of the band and then i'll go bankrupt and then-"

"Jesse! Take deep breaths, okay? Deep breath in." He inhaled, holding it until i told him to exhale, "Deep breath out. I want you to repeat that until you calm down. Deep breath in." *Inhale* "Deep breath out." Exhale.

"Just keep doing that until you feel better, alright?" Jesse nodded, beginning to do the motion on his own, while I comfortingly rubbed his back.

Once he calmed down, he gave me a hug and thanked me.

"Anytime, and don't worry. You're gonna do great. The fans love you, man. You'll be fine." I smiled, giving him two thumbs up, before waving with a wink and heading out.

He blushed and got ready for his show, with more confidence.

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