Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Waiting on a miracle

Laticia saw Casita encouraging Antonio to move, but the boy won't budge. Antonio turns to the corner which Laticia assumes where Mirabel is, Antonio's hand outstretched, as if he was asking for help.

Laticia who was curious manifested a hearing aid that can hear things far away and placed it on her ear, Leo who noticed this rolled his eyes.

When Laticia heard Antonio's pleads of help towards her twin sister. She showed a bitter smile which immediately went away.Leo who can see her expressions clearly from where he stood, frowned in confusion and suspicion.

Laticia saw Mirabel steps out and takes Antonio's hand. It seems that her twin sister decided to walk the boy down the isle.

The family, the town and Abuela see Mirabel join Antonio. Laticia could see her Abuela looking anxious. But Laticia could see Antonio holding Mirabel's hand tightly, and the pair begin to walk.

The whole place were filled with different kind of emotions, anticipation, nervousness, anxiousness, impatience, and happiness. but one thing that stood out the most.

Leo's calmness.

Laticia could sense it and even if she couldn't she still know that Leo processes such calmness. This what made her fascinated by the boy. His ability to reamain calm in every given situation made her feel calm too, it made her want to get closer to him because of this.

But of course she couldn't, because Laticia could feel emotions, her imaginations made her feel them. And because of this, she could sense the boy's dislike towards her. For the reason unknown to her.

With the thought, Laticia subconsciously hug herself and step away from the boy before putting all of her attention towards her youngest cousin and twin sister. She ignored the pang in her chest and the discomfort within her.

But because of Laticia's decision to put her attention towards the pair, she didn't notice the penetrating gaze from the boy beside her.

"Will you use your gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community and strengthen our home?" Abuela Alma questioned the youngest Madrigal softly.

Antonio nods and Alma gestures to the door. Everyone watch as the boy touches the doorknob, causing the door to brighten with the candle. And then a Toucan suddenly lands on Antonio's arm and chirps. As if it was saying something to him. Antonio smiles, delighted.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, I understand you." Antonio said happily. The toucan squawked in response. "Of course they can come!" Antonio answered.

And then a bunch of animals varied from birds, and mammals flocks to him... and his door forms into an animal menagerie. This concludes that Antonio can communicate with animals. Abuela is overjoyed and hugely relieved.

"We have a new gift!" Abuela Alma exclaimed causing the People to cheer and the fireworks to go off. Laticia smiled at the happy atmosphere and rubbed her arms to suppress the jealousy within her.

Unlike Mirabel, Laticia doesn't have any problem with remembering the memory she has when she was walking down the isle nor the time when she received her gift. What she remembered clearly was the lack of response she receive when she got her gift.

All of them were allover her twin sister, they were all fussing over her worried that something was wrong with her, worried that Laticia might have stolen her gift considering that her gift was so powerful.

Laticia always questioned herself, if is she really a Madrigal.

Antonio opens her room to reveal... an enormous choco rainforest. The animals races through the door and everyone were in awe at the magical room of the youngest Madrigal.

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