"You should wear it." I cut her off and her eyes bug out at my words.


I move closer to her with the lingerie in my hands. I grab her waist with my free hand, pulling her close to me. "I'm still a man and quite frankly I would love to see you in this so please, wear it on Valentine's Day."

"Will it stay on me?" she whispers as she takes it from me.

"I'll only look baby." I whisper back and dip my head to hers. I place a kiss on her lips and she moans, wanting more.

"Quen...." she moans against my lips. "Can we please amend this ninety day rule?"

I fight to laugh. "No baby. Patience is a virtue and it will be so much sweeter when we both get what we've been craving for."

She sighs while moving away from me, turning her back to me. I grab her and hug her from behind.

"Why don't we head to that Jamaican spot."

She just laughs and agrees.


After dinner with Quen, I pleasured myself with my vibrator. I had been doing that alot lately the last five days. Argh! I wanted Quen so bad it resonated from my head down to my toes. I went bed sexually frustrated.

The next morning I woke to at my normal time of six am. I ate breakfast, showered and dressed for work. I arrived on time and when I entered my office I saw a bouquet of daisies, my favorite flower, on my desk. There was also an Edible Arrangement next to the flowers.

Natalie comes in and sees the gifts. "Someone's anxious for Valentine's Day." she smiles at me and bumps me slightly with her hip.

She walks to the flowers and grabs the note. I quickly jerk it from her fingers.

"That is private. Can you bring me some coffee?"

She pouts and turns on her heels and leaves my office. A few seconds later I feel someone at the door to my office. I don't have to turn around to know who it is. I can smell his cologne.

"Like my gifts?"

"They'll be going in the trash now that I know they're from you." I spit with my back still to him.

"Oh, don't be like that Gia. Can we at least be civil to one another? Afterall, we have a long history."

I hear his footsteps enter my office. I feel him stop right behind me, his fingers moving my hair off my shoulder. I jerk away from him.

"Michael, our long history is just that-history. I am with Quen now and there's nothing you can do about it. You should have appreciated me while you had me."

I shriek a bit as he pulls me against his chest. He cups my crotch through my pants. This guy was bold to do this at work!

"I'm not going to tell you again Gia that your body is and will always be mine. The sooner you get with the program, the happier everyone will be."

I sigh in frustration and rip myself from his grasp. "And I'm not going to tell you again that we are through, which was a decision YOU made. Now get the hell out of my office before I bring up a sexual harassment suit against you that will have you begging to settle out of court!"

He stares at me wide eyed. I guess he was expecting me to just submit to him. Bend over my desk and let him fuck me to kingdome come. Those days were over! I stare at him with a nonsense look and motion for the door.

He smirks at me and turns to leave. Once he is out of sight my phone rings. I answer it and Natalie informs me Bianca is on the other line. I tell her to patch my girl through. She is crying when she comes on the line.

"What's going on?" I ask as she bawls like a baby.

"I am so through with Craig's ass! I went to his apartment this morning to surprise him and he was naked in bed with that cashier from Victoria's Secret! How could he do this and the day before Valentine's Day!"

I wasn't surprised. I saw him flirting with the girl and Bianca knew how Craig is. I tell her we will have a girls night tonight and then I have a better idea.

"I know you don't want to be alone on Valentine's Day so I'm going to set you up with someone."

"God Gia, I don't want to go on a blind date with one of those stiffs you work with." Bianca groans.

"He doesn't work with me." I tell her.

"Well, who is he? Where did you meet him? How old is he and is he cute?" she fires question.

"Just know that he is a great guy and yes he is very cute. I'll set up everything for you. See you later tonight."

She agrees and after we hang up I have a huge smile on my face. I then call Quen.

"Hey sweetheart." he answers.

"Hey, listen tell Kent he has a date for Valentine's tomorrow."

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