Chapter 16 Grandpa Charlie

Start from the beginning

I nod, feeling like I've been caught doing something wrong.

“I thought so.” He looks around at the rest of the group, “And I'll remind you that this situation we're in needs to be treated as you would any assignment. Remain alert and focused at all times.”

I half expect them to click their heels together and salute with how commanding he is, but they meerly nod their understanding.

Satisfied, he turns and walks out the barn. I let out a sigh of relief. I know I have no reason to fear him, at least that I've observed, he just really intimidates me.

I look back at the guys and Silas catches my eye, giving me a wink, “Well, that was fun.”

I press my lips together, not knowing what to say.

“Let's go make some lunch,” Kota directs.

Silas pats his belly, “I could use some grub.”

“You can always use some grub, you're a fucking bottomless pit.” North roughly, but playfully, shoves him out of his way as he stalks out of the barn. He gives me a sideways glance as he passes, but says nothing.

I don't know what to think of his look. Is he mad at me? Annoyed?

I've no idea how to read people and feel like I'm floundering.

“Come on Sang,” Nathan gestures for me to walk with them. He and Kota go at a leisurely pace on either side of me. Luke and Silas followed, talking about our lunch options.

The slight breeze I felt earlier has kicked up to a gusty wind. It feels wonderful. I look at the horizon and notice the dark wall of clouds rolling our way.

Nathan eyes them as well, “looks like one hell of a storm.”

When Darkness Comes: Book 1 Dark TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now