Outback| Kevin|Joseph

Começar do início

"Aw lighten up fancy man! It ain't no big deal! I make run Fer people if the time! Yah just let me know when'n where!"

Jospeh still wasn't over just how friendly this man was! He just couldn't get his mind over it!

"Well then, I'll write it down for you"

Kevin handed him a slip of paper and a pencil,"oh uh could yah write normally? ain't too good at reading that fancy stuff"

"Of course," he hadn't written in print in a very long time,"Here You go, it was a pleasure,thank you again for the food" he couldn't wait to dig in,at the moment it was too hot to eat but by the time he got back to the carrige he was sure it would be safe for his tongue.

"It ain't no problem,next time yah free we can go riding! Or go to that there open market! I'll show yah where tah get the good stuff,ain't that right butters?" He scratched under her chin and her tail wagged,"say good bye lil lady! Say 'bye mister! Thanks for coming over!' " he gave butters a high pitch,girlish voice.

Jospeh withheld a laugh as Kevin walked him to the carrige,"I'll be sure to return this to you"

" 'N I'll be waiting for yah! Don't be a stranger,yah hear!?" He waved goodbye to the aristocratic as Jospeh gave a long Farwell wave.

Once he'd settled down inside Jospeh immediately started eating. The taste of warm,buttery potatoes with cheese spread across his tongue.

"So good" he hummed to himself.

"Did you say something sir?" The coach man asked.

"Nofthimg!" He yelled with a mouth full,how very out of character for him.

Yes,He would definitely be back later!

And that's how it started. A bowl of mashed potatoes and a promise of sight seeing together had brought together the two most unlikely people together!

A few hours had past since Jospeh had met Kevin and he was happily waiting for the cowboy to swing by. The hotel he was at was nothing fancy, it held just what a traveler needed. Cloths,his camera, his photos and his money. His coach man had his own room next door.

Knock knock

Speaking of door, when Jospeh went to open it he was met with a hat and feather of the very cowboy he was looking forward to seeing!

"Brough it just like I said!" He smiled,"ohhhh yah got a nice looking place!" Jospehs room was well kept and clean,unlike Kevin's, who had a bunch of stuff everywhere. He liked to call it organized chaos!

"I appreciate it, truly I do," the moment he was by himself he was going to tear into food he'd brought,"now you said something about street food?"

"Oh! Yeh here! Yah gunna want to wear some'thin a lil less....fancy, I brought yah the cloths from the house,I think these will fit yah," he looked at jospehs hips,"Then'again they might not"

"How so?" They seemed like they'd fit him, it was just a shirt and some blue jeans after all.

"Well look yah! Look at these hips!" He placed both hands on Jospehs hips,"Yah see how small they are? If I were any bigger I could wrap my whole hand'round yah!"

Jospeh shivered,it was odd having anyone touch him. The last time anyone had touched him was around some spring ball he had to attend.

"Shit sorry 'bout that,I be forgetting not everyone likes to be touched"

That was true but Jospeh found that he didn't mind. The other man's hands were warm fortunately.

"Think nothing of it,so where will we be heading?"

A Gift To YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora