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the start of the end

in the far reaches of the cosmos, on a distant planet beyond the imagination of human minds, nestled amidst the glittering stars, lived an alien being named billie

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in the far reaches of the cosmos, on a distant planet beyond the imagination of human minds, nestled amidst the glittering stars, lived an alien being named billie. billie was an explorer at heart, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the vast cosmos. with pale sapphire-hued skin that shimmered like the evening sky, sapphire stones decorated on her body, and deep black eyes that sparkled with intelligence, billie stood out among the inhabitants of soléa. she possesses a highly advanced intellect and an insatiable curiosity about the universe.

among the countless wonders billie had encountered in her travels, one planet held a special allure: earth.

billie had only ever studied earth from afar, using her advanced technology to observe and learn about the fascinating world and its inhabitants. although, billie had never set foot on earth or encountered a human in person, the alien's fascination with humanity was boundless.

billie had collected a vast collection of illustrations and images of humans from various sources. from ancient cave paintings to digital representations, these depictions conveyed a glimpse of the diverse cultures, appearances, and emotions of earth's inhabitants. billie would spend hours meticulously studying every detail of these images, deciphering the intricate nuances of human existence.

this was the start of the end.

the start to a vessel of research far more detailed than what her and her people have ever known before, and the end of curiosity and wonder—

possibly even the end of safety?


it was late in the evening, in the ancient planet of soléa; directly after sunset. the sky was pretty and black, the atmosphere calmingly windy and warm— and instead of enjoying the wonderful weather, or waltzing around under the moon, billie turns on the news, only to see more issues about her lovely planet, frowning to herself about the critical state of her home as she sunk into her sofa.

though planet soléa was similar to earth in many living and societal aspects; soléa was far more fragile than it. the pollution occurring over on this planet could even make earth look quite perfect in a sense because their pollution is somewhat reversible if enough effort is put in. with a sift turn over to towards the calendar on her wall, billie checks what day it is, and groans to herself when seeing that she has work.

billie loves her job but it is draining, and extremely dangerous. it requires a level of bravery, that can be confused with stupidity due to its outlandish nature, but it pays stupid money. she had been assigned a mission to travel the entire solar system and study possible wildlife and the environments of other planets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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