1 - Flirt

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I hurry down the counter with a gasp, rushing to grab a pair of oven mitts and tossing the oven door open.

When I pull out a pan from the oven, I start to groan at the lean down to pull out a pan. Just like last time I rushed to pull something out of the oven, there is a dark color to the edges of my pastries.

"Burned 'em again?" Jeremy murmurs, looming over my shoulder to inspect them.

I scoff and nod, leaning forward to press a button to turn the oven off. "Yeah. I keep forgetting." I let out a frustrated sigh and decide to just leave it for now, moving on to finish making the frosting. "I have to have three hundred of these done by Tuesday." I complain in a huff.

Jeremy nods in response, standing next to me to watch me make the frosting. He's always curious of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it.

Sometimes he forgets that he works here too and needs to get things done as well.

"Did you set a timer?"

"I tried but it didn't go off. I need a new phone." I shake my head at myself as I slide the oven mittens off and toss them on the counter.

Jeremy chuckles. "Well, that's what you get for dropping it in the sink." He reasons. I give him a side glare in response. Jeremy just smiles and walks off to finish his cookies.

I sigh when I hear the little bell above the glass door chime. I don't even have to turn around to know who it is.

"Mornin', beautiful."

I roll my eyes before turn around. "It's two in the afternoon, Logan." I dryly remind, putting both hands on the counter in front of me.

Logan lifts a shoulder, dismissing my reminder. He flashes me that bright grin he gives everyone as he leans against the counter.

"Don't act like you're not ecstatic to see me."

My nose scrunches as I frown. "I'm actually pretty sad to see you." I correct. I glance at Jeremy when he walks behind me. He gives me a little smile.

He thinks Logan and I would look good as a couple. I think he needs to be hospitalized for having such a horrid idea. I'd rather die.

He's too flirty. Too smiley. And he thinks he could get any girl to smile at him if he wanted to.

"Can I get a cookie, beautiful?" Logan asks, gesturing to the freshly made cookies behind the glass.

"Delilah," I correct him for the umpteenth time. Logan just smiles and waits for his cookie.

I reach under the counter to grab a little paper towel and open the display case to open the little door. Logan pats his pockets. "I think I forgot my wallet again." He gasps, sarcastic.

He always 'forgets' his wallet. Always.

"Mhm," I hum, pushing the paper towel with a cookie on it across the counter. "Your tab is building up, Logan." I warn as I turn back around to finish the frosting.

"I'll pay it." He assures me on an unconcerned laugh. I hear him lowly groan behind me, so I assume he took a bite of that cookie and is dramatically reacting to it like he always does.

I don't acknowledge him and go on to open the pantry, taking out new ingredients to try the cupcakes again. Hopefully I don't burn them.

"Hey, taste test this for me." Jeremy demands. I glance behind me to see Jeremy handing over a plastic spoon with dough of some sort on it.

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