The death

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Ryan (dad) POV
I woke up, my eyes swollen from crying, pillow drenched in tears. She's gone, my wife is dead. She got into a car accident last night and passed away in the hospital, I can't tell Sofia yet or she will be even more sad than I am. I get up and get dressed in a sweatshirt and some sweatpants, yea I know that's not usually what a 33 year old would wear but my wife just died leave me alone. I plan on telling Sofia tonight but before that I'm gonna make her day the best.

I walk out to make her some pancakes but I see her on the couch, she's crying, Crap. I look over to Sofia and she ask's "why didn't you tell me?". How could I tell her? I just started crying on the couch. "I'm so sorry sweetheart I-I couldn't t-tell you be-because you would b-be even more s-s-sad then me, and I c-couldn't tell y-you. "It's ok" she replied. I know that she was too young to quite understand what was going on but I still couldn't tell her ya know?

"How about we do some fun things today just to get this off of our minds ok?" I asked "yea that sounds fun" she responded. I get my car keys and I hop in my car with her. We go to the mall and we had all sorts of fun, we got ice cream, we watched a movie, we went to the rides in the mall, we went to build a bear, and we got some clothes. I took her home and put her in bed. Sofia asks, "when will mommy come back?" That broke my heart. "Umm I-I don't know sweetie". I responded, I couldn't cry in front of her so I quickly kissed her on the forehead, said good night and left to go cry in my room.

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