with a set of lungs like that

Start from the beginning

"Where have you been?" Sidney asked as she moved around the couch toward her. Jamie scooted over and made room for her.

"I just needed some alone time." She said. "Look I'm sorry about this morning." Sidney sat down next to her. Their eyes met and Jamie looked down at her hands, "It's been a long week, Sid. I'm sorry —"

"It's okay Jamie. I think I need to move on, you know? And I've only been thinking about myself. I'm sorry too." She pressed her lips together and picked at her nails.

If you were to say Jamie was shocked that would be an understatement. She hadn't excepted an apology from Sidney.

"Hey, let's just forget everything tonight." She nudged her cousin's shoulder. "We need a break from everything."

Sidney grinned and lifted her cup up, "To moving on." She said.

"To moving on." She nodded and clicked her beer against Sidney's and took a swig. She said the words but they felt wrong on her lips. Sidney was ready to let go of her mother but, Jamie wasn't ready to let go of hers. The memories, the betrayal — she'd been holding on to them so tight that they'd become stone in her mind. Moving on meant forgiving her father and she was never going to do. So she said the words, she smiled as she said them too but, she didn't mean them.

Randy lifted up a plastic bag and pulled out a VHS, "I thought we'd make this a Blockbuster night."

"We don't even have a blockbuster," Jamie said but motioned for Randy to hand the bag over.

"Yeah will tomato, tom-ah-to," he shrugged.

"I thought everything was checked out." Stu grabbed onto Tatum's mid and pulled her closer to him.

Sidney held up one VHS after another. "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night — How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?" She asked.

Randy leaned closer to Sidney as he knelt down beside the couch, "She's the," He pressed his hands together, "Scream Queen."

"With a set of lungs like those — she should be." He said looking down at Tatum.

"Tits — see." Tatum nudged Sidney. Randy stood with two different tapes in his hands. Jamie leaned back into the couch.

"How many Evil Dead?" Randy asked and a few cheered and raised their hands. Jamie glanced at Sidney who crossed her arms. "How many Hellraiser?" Randy asked.

"I got my hellraiser right here," Stu pointed at Tatum before pulling her face closer to his and making out. A few people around them bickered about which movie was better, there was no real answer to which movie. Randy set the tapes down and shuffled to find a different one.

A knock at the front door made Jamie snap out of her thoughts for a moment. Stu hopped up, "I got it." He said, "Tatum get me a beer. They're in the fridge in the garage." He gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading to the door.

"What am I? The beer wench?" Tatum said with a huff. She glanced over at the door. Stu opened it and in walked Gale Weathers and Dewey. Jamie looked at Sidney whose smile slowly disappeared on her lips.

"Hey, guess who's here?" It's that chick from INSIDE STORY," Stu pointed at her and let out a laugh.

Tatum stood up and moved over to her brother, "Shit Dewey!" Gale looked around the party as some of the teens went up to introduce themselves to her. "What is she doing here?" She asked.

"She's with me." He said with a smile. "I just wanted to check and see if Jamie was here." He said.

"Duh." Tatum placed a hand on one of him and pointed to Jamie with her other hand. Jamie waved at Dewey. "So you've seen her she's safe. Now leave... and take your media muff with you." She turned on her heels and walks into the kitchen.

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