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"This was the last place I thought I'd find you," Stiles whispers as the sun sets over the horizon.

Derek swallows and looks over to him. To the boy who looked for half a year, to the boy who refused to leave. To the boy he was in love with.

"Why not?" Derek mumbles softly, leaning over to press a kiss to his temple.

"Werewolf and moons and rawr. That kinda thing. Not chilling in a freaking beach in Brazil." Stiles grins at him. Really grins. One of those that brings his one dimple out and creases around his beautiful eyes.

Derek's heart seizes in his chest and he has to look away.

"It's not chilling though. We're working," he manages to say, wiggling his toes when the water laps over them gently.

"Yeah for a couple of hours. And then everyone leaves. And it's just you and me." Stiles looks at him in that way. His bright eyes intense and his eyebrows furrowed. His lips pursed.

Derek shoves at him until he rolls them both over in the sand and the quiet hot night is filled with the sound of Stiles' melodic laughter.

Derek knows this won't last forever. He knows they'll have to go back soon.

But at least this time he won't be alone.

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