Final Careers Advice

Start from the beginning

"Don't," James' voice was sharp. "Ever call yourself that."

Lily bowed her head so her forehead was touching the pillow and let the tears flow onto the fabric. "It's true. Even if they sympathise, no-one will employ me because of my blood. You-Know-Who has made sure of that."

James reached over the invisible barrier between them to place his hand on Lily's arm and give it a comforting squeeze. "Lily, if someone rejected you because of your blood, they'd be the stupidest person in Britain."

"It doesn't matter how stupid they'd be, I'd still have no job."

Lily leaned her head back against the wall. James didn't move his hand from her arm.

"It'll be over soon." said James, referencing the on-going war, but his voice lacked his usual conviction. Lily didn't reply. She could feel him looking at her, making a slight blush creep into her cheeks. Hopefully, James didn't notice. Under no circumstances was the Astronomy Tower Incident being repeated.

For five whole minutes, a somewhat comfortable silence ensued, allowing Lily to subdue her tears.

"Bullshit!" James cried finally, causing Lily to jump. "You're the best witch I've ever known!"

"Thanks, but that's not going to help me get a job. If any stupid pureblood in this stupid world that's anything but pureblooded looks at me now, all they'll see is dirty blood. They'll see dirty blood, a magic thief who doesn't deserve to work with them, or under them, or at all." James' hand fell from Lily's arm as she threw her pillow she was holding across the room in frustration.

Stuck for words, James said the only thing he knew for certain. "Your blood status has never meant anything to me. If anything, it makes you more remarkable."

Fortunately for James, this was the right thing to say, as Lily leaned over into the suddenly too big space between them.

"Of course you don't care - of course." She muttered in response to the questioning look on James' face.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Lily's mouth closed over his before he could say a word.

He kissed her back, of course, but after a few seconds, he broke away regretfully. "This keeps happening, doesn't it?"

Lily smiled. "The other week, in the Astronomy Tower…"

"I didn't mean for that to happen," James said quickly. "It's just you were there alone, I wondered what you were doing. I wasn't exactly planning on kissing you." He looked at Lily, mere centimetres from him, searching her face for any hint she disapproved of the kissing, then or now.

"I've wanted to do it again for quite a while."


In response, Lily leaned back in and caught his lips.

If James was surprised with the sudden turn of events, he didn't show it as he skilfully manoeuvred Lily onto his lap. The pillow she had been sat on lay forgotten. Her hands were in his hair, his on her back and both of them were wondering how the hell this happened, again, but glad that it did.

"Will you go out with me?" James asked against Lily's lips. Then, he realised what he had said and hastily pulled back, forcing Lily to drop her hands.

"Crap, sorry," he apologised, running a hand through his recently vacated hair and wondering why Lily hadn't yet jumped off his lap and ran out the door. "I didn't mean to actually say that."

James was going to trip over some more words, but none came when Lily leaned her head against his shoulder.


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