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Heather didn't know how to process the information that she was told on the plane. The supernatural world was real. All of it, from vampires to werewolves. How could Bella keep such a big secret from her? Heather thought that they were close friends, but it looked like she was wrong.

Heather has had her suspicions ever since she was four, when her mom left her in the woods for dead and Alec saved her, but she never questioned him about it. She never wanted to ask him what she thought was such an absurd question, but hearing what Bella and Alice told her, maybe she should have asked.

The three of them were currently in a yellow Porsche and driving to Volterra to stop Edward from killing himself. The main thing that was confusing Heather was why Alice insisted that she needed to go with her and Bella to Italy. It just didn't make sense. Humans were not allowed to know much about the supernatural world. So why exactly did Alice insist Heather had to come along when she had no idea about the supernatural world's existence?

Bella was a complete mess, terrified about losing the person she loved.

When they reached Volterra, the car was forced to stop because the roads were closed for some festival.

"Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming. If we go he'll read Heather and I's thoughts, he'll think we're lying, he'll rush into it," Alice said.

"Where do I go?"

"The clock tower, now. Go!" Alice shouted out. Bella was rushing out of the car, running to try and save Edward in time.

This left Heather in the car with Alice. After Bella left, Alice started to argue with the officers about where to park the car. Once she got it sorted and parked on a side road, she looked at Heather.

"I know that this is terrifying for you right now," Alice paused for a while, trying to find the next words to say. "But you will help our situation quite a lot. Even if you don't know it yet."

Those words terrified Heather; it was obvious that Alice insisted that she needed to come with them for a reason. And after hearing those words, Heather feared that it was a selfish reason to try and save Edward. Not replying to what Alice said, Heather nodded her head and got out of the car. They walked, well, more speed walked, for a while until they reached the clock tower. Alice easily opened the doors and Heather saw her sister with Edward. Both here holding onto one another as they would disappear into thin air.

Smiling at the people that were in the room, Alice said, "Come one guys. It's a festival! We wouldn't want to make a scene."

After Alice said that, Heather noticed two more people who were there. It was quite obvious by their blood-red eyes and pale skin that they were vampires. The one on the right was on the taller side and the one on the left was shorter than his companion and had a charming smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Imitated by both of them, Heather looked down at her hands.

"No, we wouldn't," the taller said in a cold voice.

Heather looked back up when she heard the sound of heels. There was this girl wearing a black cloak that was walking their way.

"Enough," she commanded to the group, taking off her hood as she now stood in front of them.

"Jane," Edward said, lowering his head in fear. The way Edward said her name, it was quite obvious to Heather that Jane was someone to be scared about.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." After saying this, she sent a look to the two red-eyed vampires. The blonde then turned around and started walking away. At the silent command to follow, the group slowly started to follow the blonde.

Bella sent a look to Alice on what exactly to do next, and all the vampire said was, "Just do as she says."

Edward was passed a coat by the taller of the two male vampires, Felix, as they walked past them. The two vampires were right behind them, putting Heather on edge. They walked until they reached a pair of winding stairs. Jane held her hand out, "Go ahead," she told the couple.

Heather could tell that there was a conversation between Bella and Edward upfront, but all she could focus on was her increasing heartbeat. Once they reached an elevator, Jane stepped to the side, letting them all in. When Heather entered the elevator; Jane's eyes slightly widened, recognizing who she was. Once everybody was in, Jane entered and pushed a button.

The ride was an awkward one with no one daring to speak. Bella was still holding onto Edward for dear life, terrified that he would disappear and leave her again. Heather was standing next to the shorter male guard, Demitri, every once and a while. He would look at her with a curious gaze, like she reminded him of someone.

It felt like an eternity before the elevator doors finally opened. Jane, still leading the group, walked past a desk where a human greeted all of them rather excitedly. The vampires ignored her greeting, while Bella seemed curious about why there was a human here in the first place.

Bella and Edward were talking about something that was about the human receptionist, but she wasn't exactly sure what. Her focus was on the hallway that they were currently walking in and the design of it all. It was truly beautiful but terrifying all at the same time.

"And so she will be," Demitri said.

"Or dessert," Jane said, adding to Demetri's answer. And when they reached a pair of large, wood doors, she pushed them open, walking into a grand room.

There were guards all around the room, and in the front, three men were sitting on thrones.

"Sister," a vampire with young features greeted. "They send you out to get one and you brought back three. Such a clever girl." Jane then walked to be next to her brother.

When Heather saw who it was, she stopped breathing. It was him. Even after six years, he looked the exact same. His blood-red eyes that she loved, his pale, perfect skin, and his dark brown hair that he would always let her braid when she was younger.

Alec had the same reaction to seeing her again. Her baby blue eyes and long honey blonde hair made her look like an innocent angel who could never harm anything. She was beautiful; he loved everything about her. He could tell that she was scared. Her heartbeat gave it right away to him.

Neither knew why the other was there, but they didn't care. But both did nothing about it. Heather was out of fear, not knowing what to do with seeing him again; Alec was out of cautiousness, not wanting to scare her even more.

The man in the middle throne sat up at the sight of the four of them with arms wide open and a large smile on his face, "What a surprise! Bella is alive after all," As he spoke, he walked towards the four of them. "Isn't that wonderful?"

"I do love a happy ending," He then grabbed Edwards's hand with an exaggerated sigh and continued. "They are so rare."

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