Chapter 24

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Ray's house, NY

Terence led them up the stairs and down a hallway, then knocked on a door to their left. No answer.

"Ray? It's me, Terence. Can I come in? We're all worried."

A bit of shuffling noises from inside.


"What changed this time?"

When Ray spoke, it sounded like he had been crying.

"All of me! I can't even go outside now!"

"Like, specifically what?"

"My hands, my ears, my feet, my teeth, all of me!"

"So... Can I come in?"


Terence groaned.

"Ray, I know you're scared. We can help. Is your mom in there?"

"Yeah. I still don't want you guys to come in, though."

"Alright, we'll give you time."

As they started to walk away, Tanner heard a click sound from behind them. He turned around and saw Cynthia picking the lock using her telekinesis. Before he could stop her, the door swung open.

Tanner grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the door, a vain attempt to give Ray his privacy. Cynthia slipped from his grasp and shouted into the room,

"Hey! Ray! It's me, Cynthia! Can I come in?"

Ray shouted back, "No! And how did you open- oh, right. Telekinesis. Close the door."

She huffed, then closed the door. She then turned around and strode down the hallway toward Tanner and the rest of them.

Terence stepped forward.

"Did you see him?"

"No. He was hiding under the blankets on his bed."

"Poor guy."

A muffled voice shouted from Ray's room.

"I can hear every word you're saying!"

Terence looked surprised.

"How? We were whispering!"

"Because of the curse, Terence. I mentioned my ears."

"...Alright then."

They went down the stairs back to the living room, and were greeted by Bell's furry body, tail wagging harder than should be possible. Terence reached out and petted her head.

"Hey, Bell. I think Ray needs some company. Go on up."

She charged up the stairs and barked to be let into Ray's room. Ray's mom opened the door to let the dog inside, then glanced gratefully in Terence's direction.

As they walked down the stairs, Ray shouted from his room, "Wait! You guys... You can come in."

Tanner glanced at Cynthia, who did the same. She then ran up the stairs faster than humans should be able to, but being a Demon, Tanner didn't judge it.

She skidded to a stop outside of Ray's room, then thrust her hand out and opened the door, then practically leaped inside.

Tanner heard a small gasp from inside, then Cynthia saying something mildly worrying.

"Dang, you weren't kidding about it being all of you."

she leaned her head out of the doorway, and called to the rest of them.

"You guys gonna come?"

Terence and Tanner went ahead first. When Tanner crossed the threshold and looked at Ray, his eyes widened slightly. Ray hadn't been kidding. He sat on the bed, shoulders hunched, looking toward Terence.

His ears were black and looked somewhat catlike, being at least three inches long with a small tuft on the tips. He still had four eyes, but the clawed hand that had appeared briefly while he fought Gas Mask was now how both of his hands looked, and they weren't turning back. A blue blanket was covering his feet. Tears were in his eyes, ready to fall down his face.

His mom kneeled on the floor next to him, rubbing one of his hands. He had removed his hoodie and simply had a gray T-shirt on. When he opened his mouth to speak, Tanner noticed that not only his canine teeth were sharper, but all of them.

"Hey, guys."

Terence had his hand on his mouth.

"Ray, I... What happened?"

"The curse, Terence. It's usually only one thing at a time, like just the eyes, or just the teeth." He glanced down at his palm, which was black. "For some reason, like, five things just dogpiled me in an hour. I really don't know how."

Cynthia kept muttering to herself. Ray's ear twitched as he caught notice of what she was saying.

"What is it, Cynthia?"

"This is all my fault. I did this."

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