~that one with the reluctant boyking! sam

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SYNOPSIS: Way back when, in '83, Mary and John got divorced, while Mary was pregnant for the second time. John got remarried, and raised Dean with his new wife. Mary got a boyfriend, had Sam, and then died inexplicably when Sam was six months old. John's wife was killed by a vampire when Dean was five. Dean was raised as a hunter, and Sam was raised by Mary's boyfriend, a man who'd never even touched the supernatural. Now, Sam and Dean are going to meet for the first time, but Dean fears that his brother is not all that he seems.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing, not following canon in relation to Sam's powers because the angst demanded it, drinking alcohol, kidnapping, blood, death

SHIPS: None.


Dean really didn't want to be here, more than... Well, almost anything. But when he met Sam, he knew it was going to be worth it. While he was waiting, though... Well, the bus station smelled, and it was crowded, and the whole experience was kinda crap. He'd rather kill a vamp any day.

He stood up, uncomfortable on the bench, and knowing Sam would be showing up soon. Sam Campbell. Dean couldn't help but wonder who he would be. Mary- His biological mom- had gone back to her maiden name after divorcing Dad, so Sam had her last name. He was going to law school, and was going to graduate soon. But beyond that, Dean didn't know anything about the guy. He was kind of excited to get to know him.

And there he was. Sam Campbell.

The very first thing that came to mind was 'Well, I guess good looks and luck with the ladies runs in the family.' Sam was walking with some chick, and she was smiling. Then, Dean noticed they were both holding textbooks. Oh- What if Sam was a nerd? The teasing opportunities would be endless.

Sam broke off the conversation with whoever it was and went over to Dean. He looked a bit like an excited puppy.

"So, you're my brother," Dean remarked, hands in his pockets.

"If you're Dean Winchester," Sam repositioned his backpack, grinning a little. 

His eyes were a little freaky, they sort of changed from blue-green to gray-green to brown-green depending on the light, or which way he was facing. For a minute, though- Dean could hardly breathe. His eyes, for just a split second... Had been black. Dean mentally chastised himself. He was being ridiculous. He'd never even seen a demon, they weren't sloppy enough to show their faces to hunters. Demon sightings came about as often as Dean ate vegetables, which is to say, almost never. Besides, what would a demon want with a freakishly tall college student? It was a trick of the light, he was sure.

"Hey," Sam said, looking more serious, professional and concerned, and sort of bending over a little to get a clearer look at Dean's somewhat shocked face, "You okay?"

Dean put on a smile. Sam's eyes looked normal again, but maybe Dean'd toss a drop of holy water in his direction and see what happened, just in case, "Yeah, I just- Headache all of a sudden."

"Oh, I have some meds in my bag, if you need 'em?" Sam offered. Dean wondered why he would even carry headache meds, Dean never did.

"Nah, I'm good. So, where should we go? I love diners."

"Diners?" Sam laughed a little, that serious expression melting. Dean wasn't even sure where he'd pulled it from, he looked so delighted with life, "Seriously?"

"Mr. College-lawyer-kid too good for a diner?"

Sam shrugged, laughing, "Hey, lead the way, man."

"Wait, wait, wait," Dean pulled a flask out of his leather jacket, "To having a brother."

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