Chapter 17

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30 November

"I found a house! It is two miles from here, and has three bedrooms and four bathrooms. Oh! And a backyard."

"Do you want to go look at it?" Leila asks.

"Yeah, maybe on one of our off days."

"Okay, you know it's not a rush though, you can stay here as long as you need to, Lia."

"Thank you Leila."

"Do you want to hang your jersey up in the room you're staying in? The Sydney one?"

"Oh, sure! Come on kitty!" I pick up Leila's cat, much to it's dislike, and take it with me to the room.

"I told you she wasn't that bad. You love her, admit it," Leila smirks once I walk in.

"I love annoying her. She hates me picking her up," I defend. I have actually grown to like her but I would never let Leila win and be right.

"Sure, Lia. Hand me the frame would you?" I shift the cat to one arm and pick up the frames jersey to help Leila hang it.

"You played as number 8?" She asks.

"Twelve. I wanted my jersey to have the eight for memories," I explain.

"Who was eight?"

"I don't remember. Let's get it up." Caitlin was eight. When I realized I wouldn't be returning to Australia I asked the club if I could have one of my jerseys. This was an extra, the one that I played in was in a storage room.

"Whatever you say Lil."

"I cannot believe you!"


"You met her mother?"

"I didn't exactly have a choice!"

"You met her mom! That's so exciting! You guys are so cute!"

"Okay, first of all, we're not together. You know that, guys. Second, her mom was staying with her until they can get back to Australia."

"You are so disappointing," Mapi groans.

"You're not together yet you mean. It's going to happen!" Leila says.

"Whatever you say Lei."

Later in the week we had our match against Granadilla Tenerife. Hayley had also returned to Australia with her mum and had told me she was planning on watching the match. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't, kick-off for her was at 9 p.m. and she needed to be getting some  rest.

"You know, you are such an amazing roommate Lia."

"Aww, thank you! You are too Lei!"

"You're just so nice overall."

"What do you want, Lei?"

"Will you do my hair for the game?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure. Give me a few minutes to finish breakfast, and we don't need to do it now."

"Thank you! Is Hayley supposed to be watching?"

"Maybe. You should focus on getting food instead of my love life though."

"You admitted it! You admitted that you guys are a thing! You said 'love life'!" She cheers before hugging me.

"No, Leila, listen. You are the one making it a thing. Leila, don't you dare mention this to Mapi."

"I won't."

"Leila I swear if you don't stop moving I will stop braiding your hair and move out."

"I'm trying! But your nails are long and it tickles and then I'm trying to grab my water and I can't reach it."

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