Chapter 1

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Lexi Howard has hated Nate Jacobs for years. Her hatred for him started when they were in preschool. He used to always pull at her pigtails and stare at her. His stare even then came off cold and almost evil. She didn't think he remembered but she definitely did.

After preschool Nate continued to be a dick. Some people change and become better people but Nate just wasn't capable of that.

Lexi felt bad for Maddy. She never wanted to depend on a man or deal with his bullshit because she loved him. She believed in love but she just thought that men sucked. Maddy used to always tell Lexi that she loved Nate even though he clearly treated her horribly. Some people at school loved them together. They loved them as that cute couple who always found their way back to one another but Lexi even before finding out about everything hated them as a couple.

Lexi had been to Maddy's house a couple times and each time she went she noticed weird things such as the way Maddy's parents didn't seem to actually talk to one another and also how all her dad did was drink beer and watch TV. It was clear to Lexi that he had emotionally checked out of their family. She could relate to that.

Her dad was a drug addict, but she still loved him. She couldn't help but love him. She just didn't want hang around somebody who was like him. She did though because of how much pressure Cassie put on her to want to be around him. Cassie didn't see the bad in him. She never saw the bad in anyone. Whereas Lexi always saw the bad until she didn't.

Fezco was different. They were different but in a weird way Lexi liked that. She liked how he not only listened to her but also asked her questions. Most guys would usually change the subject when she would talk about what she wanted to do in life or her opinions. She didn't love everything about him but there was something about him that pulled her towards him.

That's why she planned on going to his grocery store. She didn't know what she was going to buy exactly but she knew that she wanted to see him. To see if he would smile when she walked in and ask if she needed any help.

Once she got to his store she was frozen. She really wanted to go in and see him but she couldn't. What if she said the wrong thing? What if she didn't ask him any questions about himself? What if she tripped over something and fell?

She decided that waiting a bit before walking in seemed like the best decision. She wanted to be left alone so she could calm down and think. Lexi actually liked being alone. She felt the most relaxed and comfortable when she was by herself.

"You look pretty, Howard" Lexi heard somebody say from behind her. She quickly turned around and spotted Nate Jacobs.

"Leave me alone," She snapped and started to walk away.

"Running off to see Fezco?" Nate asked but Lexi didn't respond. She had only one thing on her mind and that was Fezco. She actually liked him and she didn't care about what anybody else had to say.

"Answer me," Nate demanded angrily.

Nate's fury started to make Lexi think of her family. You see, her parents had raised her in an environment where love lacked.

Her parents became different people. Her dad stopped kissing his wife or asking how her day had been. That always got Lexi going. She was always pissed at him for not being the husband he swore to be. They were always fighting. Never once did they have a good moment; there were only bad moments in the Howard household.

But Lexi grew up thinking that was normal.
She grew up thinking love meant lots and lots of
hardships. The more they yelled, the more Lexi
suspected they loved each other. But that quickly
changed when she realized her parents' relationship wasn't normal.

"Go away," Lexi yelled back, desperation in her
voice. She just wanted Nate to finally leave and bother somebody else.

"I don't think so," Nate shot back in a low, dark voice.

Lexi again didn't say anything back which only angered Nate more.

"I bet he's with a girl," Nate screamed hoping that would catch her attention. That made Lexi stop dead in her tracks. Was he with a girl? She shook her head. He wasn't with a girl. He couldn't be with somebody else. He did of course ask for her phone number.

But she had to be certain so she took a deep breath and walked over to the store again.

"Are you actually going to go inside the shop this time," Nate laughed. Lexi however did not find that funny. It made her think that he was watching her which made her feel uneasy and scared. She hated feeling scared, she wanted to feel brave and confident.

Being scared of Nate fucking Jacobs really messed with her head.

"Fuck off," She spat and walked into the store. She walked in mainly to get away from Nate and even though she felt nervous and anxious, she felt better with Fezco around.

Fezco smiled when she walked in. "Lexi Howard," He said, the words lighting up his face. Immediately with those two words she felt a whole lot better.

"Hi" She beamed looking around the shop. The first thing she noticed was a blonde haired girl with big blue eyes. She was pretty and the only other person there. Lexi hated that she felt intimidated by the girl. She wanted to be strong.

But what truly pissed her off was that Nate was right. Fezco was with another girl.

"I'm Fay," The girl stated.

"I'm Lexi," She responded quickly. Before she could say anything else Nate walked in. She instantly remembered how Fezco punched Nate, several times. She feared for Fezco and what Nate might do to him.

"We'll both have a coke," He said. Fezco then looked at Lexi and she realized that to him it looked Like Nate and her were on a date. She wanted to scream at him that they were definitely not on a date but she couldn't. She was so frozen in fear. She felt so fucking helpless and weak.

A part of her really hoped that Fezco would punch Nate again but the other part knew that it would only lead to something bad. Something really bad.

"Go get it then," Fezco mumbled and Nate let out a laugh.

"Why don't you get it for me," Nate replied with a wide grin. Lexi knew something terrible was about to happen. She had to do something to stop things from escalating.

"I'll get it," She spoke up and swallowed nervously. She slowly grabbed two cokes and walked over to where Fez and Nate were standing.

"You kinda look like a bear," Fay said and Nate glared at her.

"Four dollars," Fezco uttered not looking at Nate or Lexi. Nate then threw a twenty dollar bill at Fezco's face. Lexi could tell Fezco was really trying to hold himself back. She felt so bad for Fezco and wanted to hug him but she couldn't.

"Keep the change," Nate sneered while grabbing lexi's hand. He then forced her out of the store.

His grip was hard and hurt. She tried to get him to let go of her but that only led to him digging his nails into her skin. She winced in pain which made Nate angry.

"I'm not letting go," He snapped, his voice filled with fire.

"There is something seriously wrong with you," Lexi expressed, her voice harsh and sour.

"I know that," He whispered.

Note - Cassie and Nate are not in a relationship in this fanfic because I didn't like them together.

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