I know they were both doing it as a way to make sure I was okay, and I appreciated it, but they needed to learn what personal space was and how much a woman values it.

    "You two know Athena, right? She's a Sargent in the police department, and last I heard, she's a badass one that keeps her word and knows how to do her job."

    "We are aware, Louise, but it doesn't hurt to be extra safe."

    "Since apparently you two don't trust someone that literally keeps citizens safe for a living, I thought you would appreciate knowing that they approved the new order of protection, and it was extended to Chloe too." I informed, waving my phone in the air after just getting off a call with Athena.

    After weeks of waiting, Athena managed to get the injunction request in the hands of a female judge that fights for domestic violence survivors. According to Athena, the lady didn't even read the whole request before she approved it. Not even a single question was asked.

    "About time. We just need those two assholes locked in a mental institution for good." Dad grumbled with his hands on his hip, looking like every dad on this planet.

    "Grant, honey," warned Cara giving my father a stern look before looking over at Maia.

    "What love? It's true. They have tormented my daughter for years, and now they are messing with my granddaughter too. Enough is enough."

    I had to give it to my father. He had multiple points there.

    It's been years of full-on tormenting. Now both of them have simply crossed a line that should've never been crossed in the first place.

    Their sick obsession with me has gotten way out of hand, and it was time to put a stop to it.

    This time around, I was sure that one of us would lose either way, especially now that Maia was involved. There was no fair win this time.

    "Okay, now that that camera is installed, every single angle of the house should be covered." Evan jumped off the ladder wiping his hands on his jeans. Jeans that I've noticed have gotten tighter around his thighs and all the right places.

    Shaking my head at my thoughts, I leaned against the porch railing. "Awesome. Now my house has more security than a darn bank." I said sarcastically.

    "No seas payasa." Said dad making me snort. I wasn't being a clown. The clowns here were clearly him and Buck, but who am I to blame them? "Great, my only day off, and I'm being called back for surgery. Cara, sweetheart, it's time for us to go."

    I held in a victory smile after hearing that. One overprotective man down, one more to go.

    "Grant, don't forget to give Agatha that box you've been carrying in the trunk of your car for weeks." Cara reminded my father, passing Maia to me.

    The second I had the little girl in my arms, she reached out for Evan, giving him her signature grabby hands.

    As I passed her to him, I had to remind myself that she was just a baby, and I couldn't be mad at her for wanting him more than me. I simply couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of every time she rather have Evan do everything for her than me.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now