Doing What You Would Do

Start from the beginning

"There. Much better. Bye-bye."

Then, the masked man left.

They had Makayla. And there was nothing you could do about it.


"Let's go see our kid," Adam said happily as he carried a box of pizza and a bottle of champagne while he and Kim walked down the hallway towards their apartment.

Kim's eyes widened when she saw their apartment door open. "Adam!"

Adam quickly set down the food and the bottle of champagne and drew his gun from his holster. "Go, go," Adam hissed. "I got you."

Kim entered first. She looked around the living room and then took off running without checking around any corners.

"Makayla!" she yelled. "Makayla!"

"Kim!" Adam yelled back. "Be careful!"

She ran right into Makayla's room. "Adam!" she yelled when she saw you. She quickly crouched down. "Y/N! Y/N, where's Makayla?" You tried to talk through the fabric, but it didn't work. She pulled it down. "Where's Makayla?"

"They- they took her," you said.

"Took her? Took her where?" Kim asked frantically.

"I don't- I don't know. They came in here and I tried--"

"Jesus," Adam said as he walked into Makayla's room. He quickly crouched down next to you and started untying you from one of the bedposts. "Call it in," he told Kim.

"5021 Eddie I- I," Kim tried.

"Help Y/N, help Y/N," Adam said as he pulled out his radio.

Kim took over the task of untying you.

"5021 Ida, emergency 230 Mohawk. Possible kidnapping of a tender-aged child. Name is Makayla Burgess. Units in the 21st. Units on the city-wide."

"Did you see where they went?" Kim asked frantically. "What did they look like?"

"I dunno," you said and closed your eyes. You were starting to get a headache. "They were wearing masks. I tried to keep them from her, but they were stronger and they punched me and- and..."

"Kim," Adam said gently, "how about you go meet the officers downstairs and I'll wait here with Y/N and call Jay?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay." She quickly scrambled up and all but sprinted out of the apartment.

"I'm gonna call Jay," Adam told you. "Can you stand up?" He held his hand out for you and you took it and stood up. "Dizziness? Blurry vision?"

"Little dizzy, but that's it. I tried, Adam. I- I promise I did. I kicked one of them in the balls and then I jumped on the other's back and I- I scratched him. But they still took her." Tears started to run down your cheeks. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

"Hey, this isn't your fault. It's all their faults. It's not yours."

You shrugged. You didn't believe him.

He pulled out his phone and quickly called Jay. You only heard what was on Adam's end, but there was a lot of him reassuring Jay that you were okay other than a huge gash on the side of your head.


"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jay asked worriedly as he ran into Adam and Kim's apartment.

"I'm fine. Go look for Makayla," you insisted.

"The side of your head is most definitely not fine," Jay argued. "I'm taking you to Med because that needs stitches." He held up three fingers and took a few steps back. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

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