Jake seems to read something in my expression. "Bad memories?"

"Don't even get me started," I say, almost laughing. The thought of explaining everything that has happened to me is almost comical. If I told Jake, I doubt he would believe me anyway, especially since most of my story involves a King.

When I glance back up at the man, he's looking over my shoulder, frowning slightly.

"I'm assuming that's your boyfriend giving me such a terrible look," he mutters.

Looking back, I see Marek standing in the doorway of the house, a soft smirk on his face. He's monitoring the situation, evidently, although I wonder if there are other motivations to him standing there that don't involve my safety. He doesn't move either, as I glare viciously at him, hoping he will take the hint.

"Oh, no he's not my boyfriend. That's Marek," I say, whirling back around. Jake looks officially uncomfortable, shifting from side to side. I would be intimidated too, if I saw a tall, well-built Summoner watching me with painful scrutiny.

"Brother?" he asks hopefully.

"Not that either. It's complicated. He's a friend," I murmur, rubbing the back of my neck. I know how it sounds, living with a man who is just my 'friend', but it wouldn't be a good thing if Jake backed off.

"And he lives with you?"

I sigh through my nose. "For now."

I haven't thought about what's next for me in a while. I've just been trying to survive now, but I know the issue will arise soon enough. I'm going to have to move on, to start living my life. Marek is pushing me away, but I do feel as though I'm going to have to decide whether I want him in my life or not.

Especially in the way he wants me...

"Well, if he isn't your boyfriend, maybe I can take you out to dinner sometime?" Jake offers, plastering a smile back on his face that started wavering at the sight of Marek.

"I...Well, that might not be a great idea," I say comfortably. A date with a stranger may be good with me, but it requires revealing too much about myself, and if he starts asking about who I am, and where I came from, things will start to get messy, and I like it here...I don't want to have to move again.

"Why not?"

"I've got such a complicated past, and I wouldn't want to involve you in it if it ever does catch back up with me again," I admit. Jake doesn't need to deal with someone like Tai, or Vaia. The more people I care about, the more people they can take away from me.

He shrugs, still smiling, clearly not understanding the depth of what I'm talking about. "Trust me I can handle it."

"A date isn't a good idea. Thank you, though," I say honestly. I'm flattered, but now is not the time to go delving back into that part of my life. Not just because of Tai, but also because of my unresolved feelings for Marek.

Jake sighs, seeming to get the point as he backs away.

Suddenly though, he stops short, staring at me. For a moment, I just stare back, confused as to why his expression morphs into one of horror.

"Your face is changing..." he exclaims, stumbling back.

I reach up to touch either side of my face. "What?"

"You're a Summoner!" he yells.

I barely have a chance to explain myself, to tell him he has no reason to fear me, but he's already sprinting away, not looking back. All I can do is stare after him, stunned that I just used my powers again, and a complete stranger who lives in my neighbourhood witnessed it.

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