Tommy then turned to her, he took notice of her attire change. She looked professional in her new brown dress. He was glad his money went to good use.

He nodded at her, "Good morning, Ms. Ray. Come with me to my office, I have some papers for you to sign." He said before continuing on his way to his door.

Before following Bella turned to Lizzie smiling at her.
"Thank you so much for showing me the roots, I'm sure i'll see you again soon"

It was now Lizzie's turn to smile at the girl. "Of course darling, it was my pleasure. Now hurry up before he gets grumpy!"

Bella laughed as she made her was into the office.

Tommy's head snapped up at the sound. It was the first time he heard her actually laugh and show a full, genuine smile.

He liked it. And he hoped to see more of it. So smirked with her.

"Care to share what's so funny Ms. Ray?" He asked.

She stepped forwards with her arms behind her back,
"nope" she said while popping the P

Tommy raised his eyebrows at her, keeping the smirk on his face. "Well then have a seat, peach, we have lots of signatures of employment to get through."

And she did exactly that. Listening to every word Tommy had to to say about the company and where she had to sign. The whole process took about an hour. But she didn't mind, she was just happy to finally be making some progress in her life.

She found out he disrupted alcohol and ran the races. How Cute.

Tommy took back the last signed document as she handed it over. After doing so he leaned forward on the desk.

"Now listen Ms. Ray ." He said making sure he still had her full attention

She looked into his eyes, ready to hear every word, while she leaned a little closer to the desk as well. 

"Since you'll be working here, there is something I need to tell you about the company. And after this I will need you to sign this confidentiality contract, legally binding you to not share what you learn from this conversation." He told her

She understood, can't be sharing secrets with the competition. She nodded

He looked at her for another second, just to make sure he could trust her.

"At this company, not all of the races are true and fair. Our job is pick the best horse to win or lose, make that happen and then get men to bet on the horse we please." He explained

Oh. Now this makes sense to her.

Still looking at him, she smirk wagging her fingers towards him, "you Mr. Shelby are a very sneaky buggar. I like it. It's good business."

Her respond actually surprised Tommy. He was nervous how she would react to finding out he ran illegal races.

Handing over the contract, she signed it and handed it back. Looking up at him with curiosity in her eyes,

"So how do you do it?"

Tommy looked back up from the papers, "do what, peach?"

"The races. How do you fix the races?"

Another smirk made its way onto his face. Using his hand he waved her over, while grabbing a paper from his desk. He thought it was best to lay it out for her.

She came around and leaned over his shoulder to see what he was doing.


Tommy spent sometime giving Bella the ins and outs of fixing races. He drew it out for her, gave her pointers of things to look out for, anything she could possibly need to know about it.

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now