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I woke up to my phone hissing at me... I know it sounds weird but I just took the panther scream from 'Eyes of the Panther' and set it as my message ringtone. Ugh... What time is it? My screen proudly told me 11:27. I hate you phone for telling me such morbid things! I thought. I just popped my head back down when came another message. Who the fuck is messaging me at this evil hour? Don't get me wrong but anytime before 12 is sleeping time! Not messaging time! Except if there's something important, like an exam or a music festival. I picked up my phone and typed my password in lazily. I'll write the following Convo.

UN: unknown number Me: Me

UN: Hey pretty :)
Me: Hey unknown person
UN: It's me Satchel!
Me: Oh
UN: How are you?
Me: Crap
UN: Beauty doesn't like mornings?
Me: Oh how well you know me already :)
UN: Are you free tonight?
Me: Maybe, it depends :)
UN: On?
Me: What you have in mind
UN: Wanna take you out
Me: To?
UN: Anywhere.

I paused for a moment. It's the last day of the festival and it was mainly Bailey who wanted to see the bands that were playing today (not because she liked them or anything, it was because Nate persuaded her to. That guy was seriously brainwashing her). I really didn't want to leave Bay, but I felt like she was going to ditch me again.

Me: Pffft... Well alright! But just saying I haven't showered in like 3 days :)
UN: I don't care, I'm used to it.
UN: Meet me at the fence near the main stage at around 5
Me: OK
UN: oh and one more thing
Me: yup?
UN: Save my number
Me: OK, see ya! :D

I dropped my phone next to me and sighed happily. I felt so happy that he texted me, it felt so great that he was so persistent, even if it was for sex, not many girls would get second dates from famous guys, they usuallymove onto the next girl easily. After this I just couldn't go back to sleep. I stepped outside of the tent and went to the camper's bathroom to brush my teeth. It was so nice and warm, I barely ever say that since I am cold almost all the time! After I finished, Bailey came up behind me.
"So damn hot today!" She said
"You must be kidding me! I was literary thinking about how nice and average it was finally"
"Well, considering the amount of insulating fat you have on you girl, I'm not surprised you're fine, you have nothing to trap the heat with on you"
"Stop, I'm almost as fat as an elephant"
"No, you're closer to stick than an elephant" she said as she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth after.
"But I wasn't talking about the temperature anyways, I was talking about you" she finished
"Really?" I asked disbelievingly
"Yah, just get dressed and you're fine" she said and then left the restroom

I leaned closer to the mirror. I didn't understand what she was talking about. My skin was pale, my coal black hair was a complete mess and underneath my eyes, a blackish shade showed up implying that I have a massive sleep deficiency. I took off the T-shirt I slept in and had a look at myself. That ice cream last night didn't do me much good, I mean my hip bones were barely visible. I felt my collar bones just make sure they're still there and then put my top back on before I followed Bailey. I have trouble getting naked in front of people so instead of changing in the tent, I took the last of my clean clothes and locked my self in the toilet to get changed.

Since all my clothes stank either because somebody vomited on it or I spilled alcohol all over it, I ended up wearing a plain purple tank top and a pair of denim shorts. My knee length boots which I've brought for 'just-in-case' scenarios were thankfully still wearable so I jumped into those and quickly fixed my make up; a little foundation for my black eye sockets, dark purple lipstick to match my top and my pale face, and finally a modest amount of liquid eyeliner. I didn't look like a natural beauty but at least I looked like a goth girl who has really tried.

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