Chapter 4

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Reggie's POV

I thought this whole Luke thing would go away and everything would go back to normal, but when we were rehearsing I just couldn't stop thinking about him and my stomach filled with butterflies. I knew I wouldn't be able to just go over there and sing into the same mic like we always do, so I just didn't. I don't think anyone noticed anyways.

After we we're done rehearsing Willie had to talk to Alex, so they left. I was gonna see if Luke and Julie wanted to go do something but Julie said she had a song to show Luke so I just decided to go talk to Ray.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask poofing into the kitchen as he made dinner. "Do you mind if I hang out with you? Everyone else is busy"

Part of me wonders why I talk to him as if he could answer. He can't hear me, he has no idea I exist. I'm just a hologram who lives in Sweden for all he knows. Alex is right, it doesn't really make me feel much better at all. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it only makes me feel worse. It's like the opposite of having and imaginary friend.

I look at the recipe Ray had open. Buffalo chicken soup. "That's a good one." I say. "My mom use to make it." I sigh, remembering my mom. I wish I knew what happened to her and the rest of my family. Not that their life would be much different. I was just as invisible to them alive as I am to Ray right now, most of the time anyway. "Hey you have any close friends? Like friends from your whole life that have just always been there, or do they eventually go away?" I sigh. I'm not gonna get many answers out of him. "Never mind you can't hear me anyways." I sigh and I poof to the beach.

Alex's POV

After Willie poofed away after kissing me I just stroud there in shock. Am I dreaming?? I poof to the studio excited to tell everyone what happened. Willie freaking kissed me! I can't even believe it. I have to find him, tell him I feel the same.

I poof into the studio and Julie and Luke are in there working on a song.

"Hey man." Luke says. "What did Willie want?"

"Well two things actually." I say remembering I should also share the Caleb news. "I've got good news and I've got bad news, what do you want to hear first?" I realize that Reggie is no where to be seen in the studio and I want all my friends to hear the news. "Wait where's Reggie?"

"Uhh...I think he went to hang out with Ray." Luke says.

"I'll be right back." I say. I poof in the house and Ray looks to be just finishing diner. But no sign of Reggie, and unfortunately it's not like I can just ask Ray where he went. I sigh and poof back to the studio. I'll just have to tell him the news later. "He wasn't there so I'll just have to tell him later, so good news or bad news?" I ask.

"Good news." Julie says.

"Alright, Willie kissed me." I say.

"Ohmygosh that's great!" Julie says giving me a hug. It's so weird she can do that now, are we ever gonna figure out what that means?

"Yeah but then he immediately poofed away so I don't know what that means and I'm kinda freaking out because it all happened so fast and I didn't get the chance to tell him that I like him like a lot and-"

"Well one things for sure, he likes you." Luke says. "You should find him and go talk to him."

"Really?" I ask.

They both smile and nod. "Wait, what's the bad news?" Julie asks.

"Caleb somehow knows the jolts didn't destroy us." I say. "Willie says he's planning something."

"Well screw Caleb." Luke says. "If he even gets close to any of us we'll make him regret it."

"How?!" I ask. "He's a musician ghost who almost killed us Luke, what are we gonna do?"

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