Just to subside my worry, I gently gripped his hips and observed them. A bit curvier, but we practically worship food, so that's not an issue.

"When we had sex the week before last. Did you get hurt?"

He chuckled, I couldn't bring myself to follow along. "Seriously, Shouyou, my senses are tingling like crazy, something's not right. We're going to the doctor's right after our shifts are over."

It paid off to hire more employees. It gave us a lot of time to ourselves. Every now and then, though, we'd take over and let them all have a break because handling kids is rough.

"What? Just give me a couple more days and I'll be fine!" I frowned, he sighed.

"Fine, fine, just... we gotta pick up ice cream on the way, though."

He moved back to the stove, I agreed, but his request only furthered my worry.

It's winter..?


A pint of ice cream and a short car ride later and the two men were waiting for Shouyou's test results to come in.

"Haijime, when we get home, can we make hot cocoa? Sounds really good right now..."

"I, uh, I guess..?"

"Alright, I'm just gonna come out and say it..." The doctor stepped in, his voice echoed in the room before his steps did. "All your test results for illness came back negative, thankfully, but you have some things to discuss between each other."

I was about to question him, but he handed me a piece of paper and pointed to the green ink that stated one simple word: positive.

Shouyou's pregnant.

A wave of emotions hit me. I wanted to cry, scream, and tell everyone on this planet that the person I love is holding my child inside of him right now. I'm so excited, so happy.

Shouyou got off the medical bed and came over to lean over my shoulder, he gasped. "I'm pregnant? That makes so much sense!"

The doctor bowed and left the room to give us time alone. Shouyou was laughing, but tears were steadily dripping from his eyes. I hugged him close to me, and the only thoughts on my mind were thank god Shouyou's okay, and holy fuck I'm gonna be a dad.

"We're gonna be daddies~!" Shouyou sobbed, and I choked a laugh out. "Yeah, yeah, we're gonna be daddies!" He held my face with those soft hands of his and his smile was so precious.

It was a sudden shock, that's for sure, but I'm willing to go down this long path for the sake of our family.


"How are you holding up, Shouyou?" I finished packing his baby bag and tossed it into the passenger seat of the car. He was standing in the doorway, a hand on his stomach and a smile on his face. Today's his due date, it's both exciting and nerve-wracking.

I helped him back inside and leaned over him to help take some pressure off his stomach. "Nervous, very nervous."

I kissed his shoulder, then his cheek. "It's okay, you're so, so strong, you've made it this far, just a couple hours later and it'll all be over."

A smile tugged on his face. "And a new journey will begin. I'm sure you'll be a great dad."

"And I'm sure you will be, too."

"Alright, cut the sap! It's too early for this!" Oikawa came out of the kitchen with a spoon of peanut butter in his hand. His alien houseshoes (each on the wrong foot) and his alien-printed robe (it's crooked) match his (also disheveled) hair.

That's right, I called him here to drive because I wanted to be in the back of the car with Shouyou when he goes into labor. Oikawa really is such a good friend.

"Ah, Haijime... I think my... water just broke..."

Shouyou was stiff, frozen in my arms. "What? Wait, really?"

His leggings were soaked, he nodded viciously. "Yes, yes! Ah, fuck!"

I've rarely heard Shouyou curse so vulgarly, he must be in a lot of pain. I tried not to panic, my heart was pounding.

"What the fuck, Tooru?! Grab the keys!"

I swooped Shouyou up in my arms and raced toward the door.

"Ah, got 'em! I got 'em! I'm coming!"


"Where's the baby~?!" Oikawa sung, peaking excitedly through the door of the hospital room. Shouyou was tired, obviously, but he still had a smile on his face as he held our baby close to him.

I sat beside him in awe, moving the hair from Shouyou's face then reaching to touch to the baby. It looked so small and breakable, I was scared to touch it, but Shouyou gently took my hand and let the baby hold my finger.

It had my green eyes, but they were decorated with that unique shimmer that resided only in Shouyou's. It's hair was a brownish color with a tint of orange.

It gripped my finger, I felt my heart soar like the first time I had smelt Shouyou in that club a few years back. Tears welled in my eyes. "Woah, it's so tiny..." Oikawa tossed an arm over my shoulder and playfully punched my chest.

He had a smile, but I could see the tears in his eyes as well. "I'm happy for you, man. You're doing a great job."

I sniffled. "Well, I try."

He turned to Shouyou and ran a hand through his hair. "You're gonna be amazing parents, you guys."

"And you'll be an amazing Godfather, Tooru-San."

He gasped like he didn't already know, that dork. Shouyou chuckled at his behavior. "Oh, I bought you guys a bottle of wine." He began chuckling and slapped my back playfully. "You guys are gonna need it..!"

"Tooru, you ass!" We had to keep our voices down, but I know he heard me before he left the room because he laughed harder.

"Haijime..." I turned to my husband, and smiled at him before gently pressing a kiss to his lips. "Don't worry, I'll take care of our family forever."

With my reassuring words, he sat up and let me hold the baby. Omegas are known for being overprotective of their babies, so it was like his way of telling me he trusted my words.

"Ah, it's so small..." It was like falling in love again, gazing at those bright green eyes. "Yeah, he leaned against me on the bed and began dozing off. "I love you, Shouyou. I love you, Kosuke."



fun fact! Kosuke in Japanese means the rising sun, and, as you probably know, Shouyou means sun/light, and Haijime means beginning

so when you put them together, it's like the sunrise, no? anyway, thanks for reading! sorry this story was so messy!love you all! <3

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