Without meaning to, he gulped, earning a low chuckle from Eamon.

"Careful with that stare of yours, or I'll have to fuck you right here in the library for everyone to see," he warned him in a low, raspy voice.

Mason's eyes went wide as he took a quick step away from him.

Smirking, Eamon leaned against the shelf with his arms crossed over his chest. Looking the Slytherin up and down slowly, his jaw clenched when his eyes stopped on his hands.

"Where's my ring?" He raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. "Why are you not wearing it?"

Mason panicked as Eamon walked up to him.

"I – I forgot to put it on," he admitted.

"Oh, you forgot?" Eamon tilted his head to the side, his already dark eyes seeming even darker. "Did it slip your silly little brain?" He asked in a whisper, wrapping a hand around his throat.

For some reason, Mason wasn't offended by his words, he just gave him a nod instead.

"What a forgetful little snake you are," he said disapprovingly, glaring down into his grey eyes. "Did you also forget what I told you last time?"

Mason inhaled sharply as he recalled their encounter in the bathroom of the Three Broomsticks.

He shook his head slowly.

Scowling, Eamon tightened his hold on the sides of his neck. "Use your words, Mason."

"I remember," he forced himself to say.

"You must know that you're in trouble, then, right?" Eamon leaned closer to him. "I ended up finding you."

Mason blinked. "I – I was looking for you..."

"Is that so?" Eamon raised his eyebrows. "But you said you were searching for a book, didn't you?"

"I... said that, yes," he mumbled.

Eamon scoffed. "What an absentminded little liar you are," he growled, stroking his neck with his fingers slowly. "Tell me, what should I do with you?"

It was like someone took the rationality out of Mason and threw it out the window. His mind was completely blank, all he could focus on was the Ravenclaw in front of him.

The Slytherin glanced down at Eamon's lips, licking his own ones without even noticing.

"God..." Eamon snorted. "You're so fucking easy to read, Mason, but I'm not going to make this any easier for you. If you want something, then you better spell it out for me."

His mind started racing. Should he say it? Should he not say it? He definitely wanted to.

A few seconds later, Mason finally opened his mouth. "Kiss me," he whispered so quietly, Eamon almost couldn't hear him.

"Eager, are we, Malfoy?" Eamon broke out in a sinister grin. "I don't know if I should, though. What about your ex-girlfriend?"

"I'm gay," he admitted quickly, his pants gradually getting tighter around his crotch. "I'm gay, I never liked her, please –"

With a swift move, Eamon pressed him against the wall. "That's right, Mason," he growled into his ear. "Beg for me."

Mason couldn't believe what he was doing, but he was also unable to stop. Not like he wanted to stop.

"Kiss me, please," the blonde whimpered, grabbing onto his tie. "I need to feel you."

"But what if someone sees us, huh?" Eamon asked, putting his free hand on the wall next to Mason's head. "What if someone sees the perfect little Slytherin prince making out with another guy? Will you be able to live with that?"

"I don't care," Mason muttered, speaking without really thinking his words through. "I'm already messed up, you might as well ruin me."

Eamon's eyes twinkled dangerously. "Careful what you wish for, Mason. Do you think you can handle me?"

His breath quickened. "I don't think I have a choice."

The Ravenclaw broke out in a smug smile. "That's right, you shouldn't have a choice. You should just do whatever I tell you to do and be a good boy for me. That's what you want, after all, isn't it? Don't you want to be a good boy for me, Mason?"

Feeling lightheaded, he gave him a small nod.

"Look at you," Eamon murmured. "You're so fucking needy, you can't even talk. Are you hard already? I bet you are, you horny little snake. Should I check?"

Mason's breath hitched. His entire body was burning, aching for Eamon to touch him.

Smirking, Eamon put a hand on Mason's crotch, making him sigh.

"Of course you're hard," he started stroking him over his pants. "That Slytherin girl never made you feel this way, did she? I bet she never got you off."

Unable to hold it back, Mason let out a moan.

"Shut up, or I'll stop," Eamon growled. "Have some manners, Mason. We're in the library, do you want to draw attention to us? Would you like that, people watching you while I make you come? Is that what you're into?" He asked while applying more pressure, his hand speeding up.

Mason leaned his head against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Look at me, Mason," Eamon demanded, gaining his attention back. "God, you should see yourself right now. All hot and bothered as another guy's pleasuring you... Don't you feel embarrassed, Malfoy? What would daddy think, huh? I bet he'd be so ashamed of you."

His lips parted. "Eamon –"

"What did I tell you?" He scowled, shutting him up immediately. "Good boy. Now spread your legs a bit."

Mason did as he was told, not wanting the Ravenclaw to stop.

"So obedient for me," Eamon praised while stroking him harder and harder. "Look at you drooling, you're such a fucking mess."

He wiped his mouth with his free hand, then pushed his thumb in Mason's mouth, making him moan.

"You just can't hold yourself back, can you?" Eamon chuckled darkly. "Does my hand feel that great on your dick, Mason? Are you about to come in your pants?"

At that point, Mason lost all control over his body. He shivered, knowing that he would reach the end soon.

"Should I let you come?" Eamon asked teasingly. "I can tell you're about to, but... do you deserve it?"

The Slytherin panted, begging Eamon with his eyes only, not daring to say a word.

"This," Eamon squeezed him through his pants, "is mine, got it? I want you to say that as I make you come."

Feeling his orgasm arriving, Mason was simply unable to keep his eyes open anymore.

"Malfoy –"

"It's yours," he forced his eyes open, whimpering. "It's yours, Eamon, my dick is –"

Before he could finish his sentence, relief washed through him. His body almost collapsed, but Eamon held him up, chuckling quietly.

"Are you okay?"

Feeling elated, Mason hummed.

Grinning, Eamon leaned down and pressed their lips together, kissing him so slowly, Mason couldn't help but melt into his arms.

"All right," the Ravenclaw pulled away after a few seconds, smiling. "Let me clean you up."

He grabbed his wand and pointed it at Mason's pants, murmuring a quick spell to destroy the evidence of what just happened.

"Come on," he grabbed his hand before dragging him over to a chair and pulling him down onto his lap. "You did so good, Mason," he praised while wrapping his arms around him. "I'm proud of you."

Mason let out a satisfied sigh as he leaned his head down on Eamon's shoulder. "Thank you," he muttered.

"My pleasure," he started playing with his hair. "Get some rest, I'll watch over you."

Smiling softly, Mason closed his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so content and comfortable.

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