Part 1

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The cool, energic, kind-hearted but lazy and comical nerd high schooler Nelson Adams, 16, spent his quality time weekend at his gadgets, smartphones and other technologies and even read books. He also like to play basketball too as one of his sport passions. One day, his parents leave him home alone but his parents leave something thats important and full of responsibility.

"Hi honey, we are living for one day for an important and office meeting that can't be attended by a kid." Nelson's mom said while Nelson is reading books with his reading glasses on, lying at the long sofa.

"Yeah, that's okay. I know that Mom and Dad is really busy nowadays isnt it?" said Nelson in a lazy like tone, reading the Don Quixote novel.

"Yeah. But you know what, we might show you something" Nelson's dad said preparing a surprise for his only son.

"Ow, what is it, Dad?" Nelson said in excitement while he put the book beside him.

Later Nelson's parents bring a sweet, adorable but specialized 8-year-old boy, who in fact, having an Autism disorder. His name is Sam.

"Nelson, I would like to introduce to you, this is Sam. He's a boy that is a child of my office friend." Nelson's dad introduced Sam. "Come on, say hi to Nelson"."Hi Nelson. Nice to meet you" said Sam to Nelson, waving his hands at Nelson. Nelson greeted Sam too slowly and too stiff and evenly too shy.

"He's having autism and he like to do something what he really want." Nelson's mom added the description of Sam.

"And you know what, I would like you to...take care of Sam while we leave you in here. It's called a babysitting" Nelson's dad, made Nelson surprised and seems unhappy.

"Wait what? Taking care of this autistic kid? No...I...I can't do that. I never been babysitting before" Nelson said in dislike, proving that he's really hating babysitting. And the fact he hasn't been experiencing babysitting before.

"Yeah, we really want you to babysit Sam, cause his parents is also come with us to the office meeting"

"I...I dont want to, mom. I suck at babysitting. I even didnt have a little brother you know? And why didnt you call and hire a babysitter instead?"

Nelson said in some kind of disagreement and little disrespectful tone. His parents were concerned about his small unruly behavior.

"Nelson, listen up. Well not only you who is our only child. Sam also the only child and he really need friends like you" said Nelson's dad

"Dad is right. You may become the only child we have, but you know what, you may also treat Sam just like your own little brother, okay?" Nelson's mom advised.

"Yes, and it gonna made Sam happy. So please could you take care of him?" Nelson's dad begged to Nelson to do so.

Nelson think for a while when his parents told Sam to babysit. Later Nelson sighs and he finally accept it.

"Alright, fine. I'll take care of him" Nelson said in a low and not excited tone, but made his parents happy.

"That's my boy. I'm so excited to hear that" Nelson's mom appreciated what Nelson had decided.

"Okay, all you do is made Sam happy and dont forget if he's hungry, you may made him some favorite food or you can call a Grubhub" Nelson's dad advised.

"And dont forget to remind him that he having a homework" Nelson's mom added, while Sam approached and standing beside Nelson.

"Okay. For how long you gonna keep Sam here?" he asked.

"Uhh, I dont know honey. If we finished we might call you soon" his mom replied.

"Well, okay" Nelson said, holding Sam's hands.

To be continued...

Hi guys, I hope you enjoy this first part of the story. The characters were taken from one of Dhar Mann's video called Nerd Throws Party Behind Parents Back (for Nelson) and Kids Make Fun of Autism (for Sam)

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