Chapter 5

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TW: Swearing

Techno's POV

I heard the knock at the door, I was wondering who it could be when Tommy raced back down the stairs having only just made it to the top shouting "Tubbo's here!"

It seemed that I was finally going to meet this famed 'Tubbo person' who was apparently Tommy's best friend.

Tommy swung the door open to reveal and short, smiling, brown haired boy who was wearing a yellow shirt with some jean overalls.

"Tubbo meet Techno, he's the kid dadza is fostering."

"Techno meet Tubbo, my best friend!"

As Tommy was introducing us I saw Tubbo make an 'o' shape with his mouth. I just gave a nod in acknowledgment that he was there.

As Tommy and Tubbo raced upstairs I decided it go up to my room and grab my favourite book, The Art of War.

I was tired after having spent a whole dys out in public interacting with people and I find that the best way for me to relax after a long day is to read.

As I neared the landing of the stairs I could hear laughing coming from Tommy's room, I assumed that was where he and Tubbo were.

I entered my room and walked over to the bedside table where I had placed The Art of War. It was a thick paperback with a worn leather cover that had faded from years of use.

I went back downstairs tightly clutching my book, I had planned to curl up on the couch and read in the living room.

Just as I was getting engrossed into my book I heard another loud knock at the door, this time it was Wilbur who came running down the stairs.

He opened the door to reveal a beautiful girl with vibrant red hair. I gave him a questioning look, asking who the girl was, he just ignored me.

After he and the mysterious girl went upstairs,
Phil came inside from whatever he was doing.

"Hey Phil?"
"Yeah mate?"
"Who was the girl Wilbur invited over?"
"Oh that was his girlfriend, Sally."

After I had learnt about who that girl was and what her name is I decided to leave it alone, after all it wasn't my business and I would probably be sent back to the orphanage in a few days after they got tired of me.

Wilbur's POV

After I had taken Sally upstairs to my room, a place where she had been many times. She asked the question that I had been waiting for.

"Who was that downstairs Wilbur? What are you hiding from me?"

"Oh that was just Techno, Dad decided to adopt him for some reason."

Her face softened understanding that he was no threat to our relationship. She gently pressed her lips against mine, in a loving kiss.

Tommy's POV

I had dragged Tubbo upstairs to show him my newest records that I had gotten from the shops, one was Cat and the other was Mellohi.

Tubbo had been my best friend ever since we met. His older brother Dream, was one of Wilbur's good friends.

"So Tommy who was that dude downstairs, I don't think I know him."
"Oh yea that bitch is Techno, Dadza decided to adopt him, I have no idea why though. Look at him he's like some teen addict."

"Well you down to prank him?" Tubbo inquiries.

"You know I am big man!"

Techno's POV

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