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Frisk screamed as she woke up, her breathing was rapid as she felt around her body, she was completely fine, the bolt in her shoulder had disapeerd and her sweater was fixed, not a hole or tear insight.

Frisk looked around, she was back in the cemetary, back in the coffin she woke up in. Frisk stood up and walked down the path again and reached the end, there standing in the pool, clutching a broken sword was the same mad man that had attacked her. Frisk stepped back, making sure not to step on the same twig, and hid behind a wall.

'How am i alive' she thought to herself 'that halbert went straight through me'

Frisk let herself slide down the wall until she was sitting on the ground. 'Why am i here' she thought again 'did i do something wrong' 'i just want to see my friends again' that was when Frisk realised, she can't remember them, she could remember she had friends but she can't remember who they were. Frisk thought deeply but she couldn't remember. Frisk got up and turned around the corner.

"I have to find them, they will help" Frisk said as she started running, determination burned in her eyes as she ran past the mad men, that began to chase her. Frisk looked out to spot the one with the crossbow, she spotted him just as he fired. Frisk jumped to the side as the bolt passed her and hit the man behind her, causing him to trip and fall over. Frisk kept running as she passed the man with the crossbow. Frisk turned the corner and ran to the wall that she had hidden behind last time. Frisk caught her breath and looked around the corner, the man with the sword was still patrolling. Frisk pulled her head back before her could see her and looked out infront of her.

Frisk's eyes widend in confusion, infront of her was a coiled sword stuck in the ground, at the base of where it was planted was a pile of ash and bone. Frisk stepped forward and looked at it closely, out of curiousity, Frisk reached out her hand and touched the handel of the sword. The ash under the sword instantly caught on fire, Frisk sat down and bathed in it's soothing warmth. Frisk snapped out of her trance and shook her head 'no i have to find my friends' she thought as she walked away from the bonfire. Frisk looked around the corner to see that the man was still there. Frisk was running out of patience and decided to book it, she ran towards the man as fast as she could. The man looked at her and redied his sword, he lifted it up and prepared to swing, but Frisk predicted how he would swing and rolled under the swipe. The man turned around as Frisk kept running, she turned the corner and ran past the 2 men that were sitting against walls, both men raised their heads and drew their swords as they gave chase. Frisk turned the corner and ducked under the swing of the mad man infront of her. Frisk saw the one with the crossbow take aim and rolled as he fired, the bolt went under Frisk's roll and hit the man behind her square in the chest, the man stumbled back and fell off the cliff behind him.

Frisk turned around as an explosion went off behind her, Frisk didn't have time to think where it came from as she saw the man with a crossbow reload. Frisk ran towards the kneeling knight as the man took aim at her, the man fired as Frisk took shelter behind the body of the knight. The bolt bounced off the knight's chestplate and planted itself in the ground below. Frisk looked back at where the man was and saw him walking away, Frisk sighed and stepped out and infront of the knight. She looked at the sword that was firmly implanted into his torso. Frisk looked down on him, she didn't want to fight him, but with how everything was going until now, she didn't believe he would be able to be reasond with. She sighed "how can i defeat you" she asked herself outloud. Frisk looked to the halbert next to him, that was firmly planted into the ground. Frisk walked over and ran her hands over the grip of it, she repositioned herself and grabbed it with both hands. Frisk started to pull, but the weapon wouldn't butch, it was way to heavy for her. Frisk stepped infront of the knight again and looked closely 'there has to be a weakness' she thought as she inspected his armor, but she found nothing, only that it had to weigh a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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