Chapter 12

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Tessa's POV

I don't think that I have ever been more nervous. My heartbeat appears to be so strong that it radiates through my entire body, it seems so loud that I wonder if the others around me can hear it. I don't want to go, but I know that for the sake of my families safety, I need to.

I step out of the car, I nearly collapse, my jelly-like legs barely support me. I look around, we are parked in what looks to be an abandoned gas station. The sign is sun faded and too hard to read, everything is a grimy tan color from years of decomposing.

"Tessa, wait up." Noah walks out behind me and smiles, I can feel him hug me from behind and the warmth that he brings to my otherwise frozen with fear body.

"I have to go the bathroom." I spit out the words with a shaky tone, and it sounds rehearsed.

"Ok, but hurry back, I have a gift for you." Noah turns me around and gives me one of his amazing smiles. A real smile, that lights up his perfect dark eyes.

"I love you." I say, I am nearly bursting with tears by now. I run my hand along the side of his face, and do my best attempt at a smile. My eyes well up with tears, and through my blurred vision I try and remember all of his features. I memorize his dark eyes, his slender nose, the feel of his arms around me, his lips. I take all of it in, and kiss him passionately before running into the small convenience store.

I pick up the dusty old phone, and call a number that I recall from the room that I was tortured in. A drunken women answers, "Hello?"

"I need a car." The women laughs, a harsh cackle that reminds me of a hyena.

"We aren't a car service! This is highly valued cooperation, and we do our best to....."

I cut the lady off, "I have information for Prime Minister Marcus."

"Well then, what is your location."

I look around, they can't pick me up here, not with my family and friends around. "I will be at the abandoned coffee shop a few miles from The Bureau's research outlet."

The women hangs up with out another word.

I push back my tears, and burst through the back exit, running in the direction that we came. My adrenaline is my only support.

I run for a long time, until the adrenaline runs out, and my legs start to feel like jelly again. I run far enough to see the coffee shop in view, and my family is at least a mile away. Slowly I trudge to the little building, and rest against one of its weak walls.

A silver car pulls up into view only minutes later. "Come with us." States a cruel, and all to familiar voice.

The door opens, and I reluctantly take a seat next to my only hate, next to Marcus.

He smiles cruelly, the wrinkles on his face crinkling so that she looks like an old sheet of paper. "To what do I owe the pleasure." He asks.

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