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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Dolores, where are you going?"

Dolores stopped in her tracks, with the bowl of leftover soup in her hands, and turned to look at Dream who arched an eyebrow at her. She gulped and cleared her throat, nervous under his stare, though, he was just simple wondering.

"We're just letting Daniela taste the food we were planning to make at your gala," Dolores answered very softly and Dream squinted his eyes, still confused.

"I haven't seen her," he voiced his thoughts. "She's usually blabbering loudly at this time," he glanced at his watch. "I have a meeting to attend. Remind her she has an appointment for her dresses. I left my card—"

"With Ms. Lenard, you mentioned it a couple hours ago, sir," Dolores mumbled and Dream furrowed his eyebrows, staring off. He hummed. "But, I'll let her know."

"Hmm, okay," Dream turned around and stopped in his tracks, side-eyeing her. "And don't call me sir, Dolores. You don't have to. You don't work for me."

Dolores didn't say anything and watched as Dream walked away, his men immediately guarding him as they stepped out. As usual, after George's little "nerd group" (Sapnap calls them that) makes sure that the car wasn't tampered with, Dream makes sure he walks slow until he gets confirmation there's nothing. Daniela always complained to Dolores about that.

"He left," a guard named 15 mumbled, getting confirmation that Dream had left. Dolores nodded and immediately hurried upstairs into Daniela's room.

She went in and hurried to her side, placing the back of her hand on the girl's forehead. Daniela grunted, cuddling into her blankets even further despite feeling like her entire body was on fire.

"You're still burning up."

"I hate this shit," Daniela mumbled, ignoring the pain in her throat, thankful that she at least didn't have a headache anymore. "I hate being sick, Dolores."

Daniela didn't know what caused her to be sick, but her immune system totally gave up on her after she had woken up at 5 AM to go to the restroom.

The reason why Dolores didn't want Dream to know is because Ms. Lenard, Mr. Adrien, and the guards who came to eat, had warned her that Dream should not know. Why? Because he tends to get very, very overprotective and bossier once he finds out someone close to him is sick or is dealing with something he cannot handle himself.

"I know, honey, but I'm going to make you some tea with honey and a lemon. Hopefully it'll soothe your throat a little."

"M'kay," Daniela mumbled, eyes shut closed. "I'll just try to go to sleep again. Wake me up when I have to eat again."

Dolores sat on a chair next to her, watching her immediately go to sleep. Soft snored escaped her mouth and sweat started to form on her forehead, prompting the older woman to grab a wet rag and clean it.

"How are going to hide this from Dream?"

As Dolores stayed with Daniela, Dream was heading to a meeting not far from his home. Of course, he felt off. He didn't specifically know why he felt that way, but he hoped that the meeting went by as quickly as possible. Hopefully, it was because of that reason, but he felt so off he kept fidgeting with the hem of his face mask and his turtleneck that felt like it was choking him. He felt uncomfortable but he made sure he didn't make anyone know what he felt.

"Sir," Dream looked up from the documents on his hand and looked at his guard in the front, "I just got word from 8 that Ms. De La Rosa didn't go to her appointment."

"Call Mr. Adrien," Dream breathed out. "Tell him to update me."

The guards simply nodded and Dream looked down at the documents again, hoping that the sudden ache would go away.

The guard immediately called Mr. Adrien, clearly not aware of what was going on. They all knew how Dream got when someone close to him got sick. He got paranoid, remembering his mother's death, and got overprotective. He usually goes berserk when the person sneezes and tries everything he needs to do to get them to health. But, he's very, very unfair to the staff. And that is that if they do a single mistake, he will fire them.

"Hello, this is Mr. Adrien," Mr. Adrien happily responded, a hint of nervousness stuck in the back of his throat.

"Put me on speaker."

Mr. Adrien heard and he looked at Ms. Lenard nervously, his eyes moving to the guards guarding their room not so far from them. They were all nervous.

"Where's Daniela?" Dream asked, not having looked up from the things he was reading and writing on.

"She just finished tasting the food, sir," Mr. Adrien softly gulped. "She's getting ready, though. She got a bit sidetracked and we're making sure she gets to her appointment on time."

"She's still eating the food you're making?" Dream hummed. "Don't make her anymore. You're going to get her sick and I don't want to deal with sickness right now."

"We are making sure she is eating small portions, sit," Mr. Adrien nervously laughed and Dream looked up from his papers, clearly having noticed the way it sounded. The guard driving gulped, too, and Dream heard it.

"Is there something I should know?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He felt his heart beating faster and he didn't know why his stomach dropped. Did he eat something bad? No, he hasn't eaten at all, which reminds him he needs to make sure that Daniela has eaten and that they needed to plan dinner next.

"No, sir..." Mr. Adrien responded.

"Dolores asked for soup and needs more medicine for Daniela. She got a high fever aga—"

Everyone in the room automatically faced the newbie that had come in, glaring at him while dead silence came from the other line.

"Turn the car around. Hang up."

The phone rang on the other side and everyone eyed each other nervously before the guard near the newbie slapped him upside down his head.

"What is wrong with you?" The guard asked, annoyance laced on his tone as he glared at the boy. "The boss was on the phone. We told you to be careful if you see one of us on the phone."

"Is Ms. De La Rosa, okay?" One of the women guards asked, every single woman there having heard of the girl who surprisingly got to the hearts of Mr. V and, unknowingly, Dream. They also found out that the girl knew how to fight which was amazing to hear compared to the girl Dream dated (and killed).

"She has a high fever," Dolores popped in, ignoring everyone's stressed out looks. "I don't think she's doing well. I'm just wondering what made her sick."

"She ate with Mr. V yesterday. Seems suspicious that she got sick after eating the food he made."

"In the meantime, Dream is coming back. Do everything you can before he kills you or fires you."


...don't be mad...

Did I not update for almost
2 months...? Yes... am I
hoping that readers still find
this book interesting and
are hoping for the next chapter?

I apologize but, good news, I
got accepted into a university
and graduation is two months away

Louder Than Words, 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن