Chapter 2

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It's been about six months since I started 'training' under Master Yoda. I've had to keep my powers under wraps and lie to him, which I wish I didn't. 

"Masters, you summoned me?" I asked as I walked into the control room "yes Padawan, today is going to be your first mission," Master Plo said "okay, what is it?" I asked "you are going to be leading a squadron of clone troopers to destroy a droid factory," Master Windu explained "do we know if any people are inside?" I immediately asked "their are, workers," Master Windu replied "I will order the men to make sure they're unharmed," I stated "they are the enemy, I do not see why we must make sure of that," Master Windu said shocking me "they are innocent people, they've done nothing but follow orders," I explained "Padawan Skywalker is correct, we are peace keepers first and must prioritise their lives," Master Plo said (oh yeah because of my strength in the force they've decided to call me 'Luke Skywalker') "am I going with anyone?" I asked "yes, you will be accompanied by Master Unduli and her padawan Barriss Offee," Master Plo replied, I nodded and left. 

I arrived on the venator and spotted Padawan Offee. "It's Barriss, correct?" I asked walking over and getting her attention "yes, I am, and you're Luke Skywalker, it's a pleasure to be working with you," she replied "pleasure is all mine, and remember, we get all workers out first, living or not," I said earning a confused look from her "why?" "jedi are peace keepers, if we kill them then are we better than Sith?" I explained "I suppose..." she muttered as we entered the bridge. "Master Unduli, it's a pleasure," I said walking over to her and the admiral "ah, Padawan Skywalker, the pleasure is all mine," she replied "what's the plan?" I asked "we rush in, plant the explosives and get out," she explained "and while you do that I'll get the workers out," I said confusing the admiral "but they are the enemy," the admiral argued "no, they're not. Are they soldiers? They are civilians, innocent lives, I assume many have families waiting to get back to. We shouldn't and won't kill them," I explained "agreed," Master Unduli said. 

We arrived above the planet and began flying down in ships. "We all got the explosives?" Padawan Offee asked "yes Commander," a clone replied although I was the exception. 

We all jumped out of the ships and began running towards the factories. I ran inside one of the doors and sliced the droids that attacked in half with my white lightsaber. I soon found a group of workers and when they saw me they were instantly scared, "please don't hurt us!" one begged "don't worry, I would never," I replied deactivating my saber. "Hello there, jedi," I turned around and saw General Grievous stood there "General, hello to you too," I replied. He activated his four stolen lightsabers and began trying to attack me, but being a god it was easy to dodge. "I do not want to fight you," I said grabbing two of his hands with the force "well I want to kill you," he replied and swung the other two "I could kill you right now if I so choose," I stated deactivating all four blades at once. "How did you do that?!" he yelled "I am stronger than your master Count Dooku. I understand your pain," I said "you have no idea!" he replied "I understand your lust for power, join the Republic and help end this war, all your crimes will be forgiven," I said reaching a hand out. I could sense the mild conflict within him. "Let me help you," I said in his head and reaching into the force to make him see the reason he's a cyborg. When I stopped I stared into his now opening eyes, he dropped the sabers, "Dooku made me this way, and I will get my revenge on him," Grievous said "I will teach you to help keep peace, you may exact your revenge but will be giving in to hate by doing that, whatever the jedi did to you or your people I assure will not happen again," I replied giving him the lightsabers and allowing them to reactivate in his hands. 

We got all of the workers out and began running back to the others. As we got closer the clones fired at Grievous and the other two jedi charged at him. I sighed and held everyone and everything in place with the force, "Grievous is with us, Dooku made him this way and decided to join us," I said "Padawan, do you honestly believe this monster to be capable of changing?" Master Unduli asked "he is not a monster, he's a complicated and pained person, just like everyone in someway. Nobody is a monster," I replied letting them go but crushing the blaster bolts. "If he betrays us, I'm making sure you're expelled from the order," Barriss snarled as we walked back to the ships. 

We arrived on the venator and the explosives were detonated. We walked to the bridge and everyone was put on edge when Grievous entered "WHY IS THAT HERE?!" the admiral yelled in a panic "Grievous is an ally, not an enemy, he is not a tool or droid," I said "my apologies on all that has happened," Grievous said "nothing you do or say can redeem you!" a clone yelled "I know, and I don't expect to be," he replied and left. 

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