Chapter 1

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I just watched my brother kill our father. My eyes began tearing up and it took everything I had to not run out and hug him to stop his rampage. I had earlier watched my sister take a stab for Father and she used the last of her life force to revive the togruta 'padawan'... I have no clue of what that is, through 'The Chosen One' who was apparently meant to bring balance to the force... but I'm the balance! Brother is the dark side and Sister is the light side! I heard a 'lightsaber' activate and saw 'The Chosen One' who I think is called 'Anakin' had stabbed him in the heart, killing him. I watched them walk off to their ship and once they were gone I ran over to Father. "Father?" I asked hugging him "go, my son, protect the universe from destruction," he ordered "wha-" I was shut up by Brother putting a hand on my shoulder "go cause some chaos for me would ya?" he chuckled, I hugged him and ran off after the three 'jedi'. 

I hid my force presence and turned invisible as I got onto the ship as the ramp opened due to me being incredibly quick and jumped up onto the ceiling, waiting to be able to see what the mortal universe looks like. 

Once we were on something called a 'venator' and the three 'jedi' had gotten off the ship. I jumped down and walked down the ramp, still invisible and hiding my presence. I got to what I think is a control room and saw a hologram of two beings I can sense are strong in the force. One dark, one light. The human male and one most similar to me the dark and the little green being the light. "Strange, this is. Remember what happened do you?" the little green being asked "no, we only remember a little. We met these three gods, one dark, one light and the final one balance," Anakin said 'well you didn't sense or see me' I thought as I walked closer. I looked at the togruta and saw she was looking... embarrassed? I looked into her mind and saw it was due to what Brother had done, and her turning to the dark side so easily. Not realising that she wasn't able to do anything, if only I'd intervened then she wouldn't be feeling like this and my family might have survived. 

We arrived on a planet called 'Coruscant' and I saw that it was almost as beautiful as home. The ship landed and I was the first off, being able to teleport and all. Once the three 'jedi' were off the ship I closely followed behind. We soon arrived at a large building.  

We went up a staircase and I saw the powerful dark side person. I quickly realised this is what Brother had referred to as a 'Sith Lord'. Not wanting to do anything yet I waited for the 'jedi' to leave. 

Once they had left the man named 'Palpatine' sat behind a desk. I then decided to reveal myself. I revealed some my force presence as to not alert any 'jedi' and made myself visible again. "Palpatine, is it?" I asked getting his attention "who are you? I do not believe you have permission to be here," he said trying to deceive me "I am not so easily deceived, Darth," I replied putting my hands in the pockets of my robe. I could sense the shock, however he hid it pretty well. "I am not trying to deceive you Child, I assure you that, and I am not a Sith." he said, I smirked and for three seconds revealed my entire force presence, showing him I am more powerful than any being he has ever witnessed "who.. are you?" he asked again "I am the youngest of the Mortis gods, my father created the force, my brother is the embodiment of the dark side, my sister the embodiment light side, and I am the embodiment of the balance," I explained remaining completely calm... then again the loss of my family is the most emotion I've had in centuries. "Might I ask where this 'jedi temple' is based?" I asked turning to "over there, what are your intentions?" Palpatine scowled "to bring balance, as my father said to do," I replied and left with my force presence completely concealed once again. 

I arrived at the 'jedi temple' entrance and saw the green being from before. "Hello there," I said "hmm? Hello, young one, doing here you are, why?" he asked "I recently found I am force sensitive, I was wondering if you could help me train in it," I said "too old you are, apologise I do," he replied "may I ask your name?" I asked "Master Yoda, my name is, yours?" he said making me hesitate "I... was never given a name," I lied but he had no idea. I felt him trying to enter my mind but I blocked him out and made it appear like I struggled to do so however it was incredibly easily, a surprised look appeared on his face causing me to smirk "naturally powerful in the force you are, midi-chlorian test we will conduct. With me you will come," he ordered, I nodded and followed him inside. 

We reached a room of wise looking people who were surprised by me being here, and I could sense who were the wisest, oldest and their force sensitivity. While they all remained unphased on the outside most wanted me to leave, all but a bearded human and a kel-dor who were curious. "Master Yoda, who is this?" the togruta woman asked "a name, he does not have. Strong in the force, he is," Master Yoda explained "I cannot sense any force sensitivity in him, however we will conduct a midi-chlorian test," the dark skinned human said taking out a device. He scanned me but in the very few moments before he did this I lowered my midi-chlorian count to make it still a high number for a mortal but nowhere near as much as it truly is. I could sense the shock in him, "he is powerful, incredibly powerful," he said "Master Windu, care to tell us the results?" the big foreheaded human asked "the count is 36,000," Master Windu announced shocking the room. I allowed the count to slowly return to normal but kept my raw power under many wraps. The high council began to speak out of turn, I looked at Master Yoda who was amused at the carnage ensuing. I looked deep into the force and slowly reduced the volume of their voices, "what happened?" Master Kenobi asked (oh yeah I learnt their names) in a whisper although it wasn't meant to be "it appears you are whispering Master," I replied in a normal volume, a chuckle escaped the lips of Master Yoda who was confused yet showing amusement. "We now need to discuss your new master," Master Mundi whispered, I returned their voices to normal as Master Yoda began to speak, "be your master I will, with me you will come," Master Yoda said surprising everyone but me "are you sure this is a good idea?" Master Ti asked and smiling a little at being able to talk normally "someone experienced is needed, due to age and strength in the force," Master Yoda explained and I left. 

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