3.11|| I'll always be here for you.

Start from the beginning

"That sounds wonderful Alice." He said

"And how's Christmas at the Dursleys?"

"Well, I just lay down on my bed at night and stare at my parent's picture until I fall asleep," he said looking down. A tear slipped from his eye, I don't think he even noticed that he was crying.

I lifted Harry's chin to face me and wiped his tears.

"There's no reason to go with the Dursleys, you have Ron, Hermione, and I now. You can come with us to the Burrow." I said trying my best to cheer him up.

"Do you think your parents would be ok with that?" He asked

"Are you kidding? They seen you as their son," I said as I turned back to the window.

-ʚĭɞ -

It was another Hogsmede trip, the last one
before the break. I was still upset I never got my permission slip signed but I did have an idea of how I could get there.

I walked with Hermione, Ron, and Alice down to the exit of the castle grounds. They all gave me sympathy hugs and were off. I quickly ran up to my dorm and grabbed the invisibility cloak. I threw it over myself and started to walk to the courtyard. Fred and George were there building a snowman. I quietly walked past them hoping they didn't notice my footprints.

Sadly, they did.

"Guys let me go!" I said as they grabbed me by the arms.

"Clever Harry-" "-But not clever enough."
"Besides, we've got a better way," they said as they grinned at each other.

"Guys come on, I'm trying to get to
Hogsmede." I pleaded.

"We know," they said at the same time before alternating sentences again "Don't worry,"-We'll get you there-" "-We'll show you a quicker way-
"-If you pipe down." They said as they
dragged me into an empty staircase. "Now Harry, come and join the big boys" They pulled off my cloak and handed me a piece of parchment looking proud of what they had just handed me as if it was an achievement.

I looked down at the marauders map in
front of me, the same one Lupin took away from me then back up at them.

That there is the secret to your success."It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me," George started. "-But we've decided your needs are greater than ours. We gotta get you to your little girlfriend." Fred smirked

"She's not my girlfriend" I responded as I
rolled my eyes.

"Ah, you say that yet you knew exactly who
we were talking about"

"We see the way you look at our sister Alice, you're not very good at hiding it, Harry."

"I'm not?" I asked. If they knew I had the
slighest crush, well maybe not the slightest crush, on Alice who else did?

"Nope," George said popping the P.

"You asking that only confirms our suspicions," Fred said.

I mentally facepalmed.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."  George said as he pointed his wand at the parchment.

Words began to form on the page.

"Brilliant" I beamed "Where'd you find it?"

"Nicked it from Lupin's office of course"
George answered.

His Chosen One ; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now