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Start from the beginning

  After 30 minutes of doing more of her essay, Mila had finally pulled out her book to continue annotating. As much as Remus loved reading, he couldn't help but zone out and stare at a random book shelf, until he noticed Mila finally started doing something different.  He watched her flip open to a page, taking out a muggle pen, and write in it. He lifted his head off of his arms, that was it. It wasn't that the essay she was writing, it was that she had the occasional handwriting he'd see every once and a while in a new book he picked up. 

  "You're the other person who writes in the books!" He explained, Mila looked at up him, motioning on her fingers to herself in question, as he moved his head as a 'yes' she looked down at her book and back up again, squinting her eyes she slowly nodded in suspicion. 

"You see what I write?"

  "Well I haven't seen you, but I recognize your handwriting, I read this book a few weeks ago from the muggle section, the pages were scattered with scribbles of someone thoughts on certain pages and paragraphs! It made it all the loads more interesting!" 

  A small smile tugged at Mila's lips, someone actually cared for something that she did, even if they never knew it was her. "Which one did you read?" Remus jumped from his seat, going deeper into the vast library, M' trailed behind him to the muggle section. His eyes searched the dusty shelves, of many untouched books. He found a certain area, he lined his fingers along spines of pages strung together. He seemed to find the right one as he stopped, pulling it out, handing it to Mila.  The cover had a simple tree on the cover, with plainly colored green leaves, the background a deep red. "Oh I remember this one! I read this at the end of 5th year last year!" she beamed. 

  Remus scratched the back of his neck, "I sometimes leave my own messages in books as well, not many in this area, more in the mystery section, I like mystery,"  Mila figured out a way to pass the time, "Here how about you go grab all the books you've destroyed, and I'll grab a stack of the ones I've destroyed!" he looked back to her with a slightly concerned face, "I wouldn't say I destroy them- but sure," He skipped off to the other side of the shelves. 

  Remus walked back over to Mila's side, he saw her with a huge stack in her arms about to walk back to their table. "Can you help me carry some of these please!" she pleaded, he went ahead and took some out of her arms, pulling them into his own stack as they walked back to the desks.

  As they set them down clearing our the way, Remus just had to comment, "You sure love writing things don't you?" Mila was sorting out the loads of novels, "I mean, I guess," 

  The two sat for a while, talking about a few different books they've read. Mostly, they talked about different memories from reading the books they had laid out in front of them. Mila had took a quick glance to the library clock, before widening her eyes a bit taking another glance at it again. "Shit" she muttered, she quickly gathered most of the books she could in her hands, taking them back to their rightful places, taking two trips to put everything back. Remus sat there in confusion as she got back, grabbing her satchel. "Lupin, I think it's time we study, it's getting late," Remus also took a look at the clock, he went towards his own bag to grab the textbook he brought along, before noticing Mila had begun walking out of the library. 

  "Where are you going?" he queried, shouting as quietly as he could, not to get in trouble. Mila turn around for a quick second, "Well if we're going to study about the moon, might as well do it under it right?" Remus got up from his own seat to run after her. What was she doing? As he walked out into the hallways he saw the end of a robe whip around a corner, he chased after her into the fields just before the Forbidden Forest. He saw Mila staring at the grass, picking around. 

MY MOON ‎ ·‎ ‎ ‎Remus Lupin [1]Where stories live. Discover now