Marry You

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Jinx was in her house, Vi and Caitlyn helping her get ready. While Vi braided her sisters long locks into a bun, Caitlyn did her makeup. The girl was practically glowing, her eyes shimmered their brightest and her skin was practically glowing, she looked better than ever. Her dress had a long train, the middle opened with a pencil skirt that was short enough she could still be her agile-self in, but appropriately long enough for lack of a better term. She looked at herself in the mirror, in total awe. 

 "I look like a princess." She said, then looked to her sister.

 "Yes, you do. And that makes sense, you're Zauns princess after all." Vi chuckled softly, helping Jinx get the silver necklace that contained Silcos ashes on, and the clip on earrings that came with it. Jinx stood, looking at Cait to silently ask her to turn off the lights, which she did. When she did so, designs on Jinx's dress shone brightly, a vibrant neon blue that made her squeal in excitement. Meanwhile, Ekko stood at the altar, waiting for the wedding to begin and talking to the officiant, one of his best friends and fellow firelights. He was *very* obviously nervous. At certain moments he'd be determined to leave that building as his firecrackers (Jinx's) husband, but at others he was pacing and asking about where she was, what time it was, when would she be showing, etc. Of course, nobody had any clue, until someone ran im and told everyone to sit down, the bride was here. Ekkos back straightened and he cleared his throat. Jinx adjusted the train of her dress and made little perfections in the bouquet. Ekkos smile grew as the wedding party entered. Jinx, on her way with tears already spotting her eyes. As she entered the room and looked at Ekko she couldn't help but smile, the audience standing to look at her as she walked down the aisle, arm linked with Vi as she kept her eyes ahead. As Jinx and Vi approached Ekko, he extended his hand. Jinx, moving to hold her bouquet in one hand, took Vis hand, and then was given to him. Vi stated her name and relation to Jinx to the officiant, and the ceremony officially begun. The two looked into each others eyes, almost crying at the very sight of each other. The officiant spoke:

 "We are all gathered here today to witness two very important leaders of the Undercity unite. Jinx, Zauns proclaimed princess, and Ekko, the Rebellions leader, join each other in holy matrimony on this beautiful evening. But, we all knew that. Alright, now the long part. Ekko, do you take Jinx to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, 'til death do you part as your lawfully wedded wife?" They asked. Ekkos eyes blinked back tears as he nodded.

 "I do." 

"Good, and Jinx, do you take Ekko to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, 'til death do you part as your lawfully wedded husband?" They repeated, looking to Jinx, whos eyes sparkled. 

 "I do."

 "Perfect. Now, the two will exchange vows and give each other their rings." The Officiant hummed, and looked to the ring barrer, who gave each other their partners ring. Ekkos was a silver band with Jinx's signature monkey engraved in it, Jinx's being a silver ring with a diamond hourglass engraved in it. As Ekko slid the ring on her finger, he began. 

"Jinx, you have been the love of my life since we were 13, and every day my love for you grows. You're adventurous, beautiful, crazy, and outgoing, and there is no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Seeing you walk down that aisle was like watching a goddess come down from the Heavens. You are my firecracker, and I love you. Always and forever." He said. Jinx smile grew as she giggled softly, the kind of 'I'm giggling to keep myself from crying because this is the best and scariest moment of my life' kind of giggle, before she slid the ring onto his finger. 

 "Ekko, you have been my light in the dark, my firelight, since we were little kids playing around at the Last Drop," she began. "And I've known since we were that old that we'd end up here some day. I love you, forever and always, and I wouldn't trade you or our past for the world. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you." She smiled, resisting the urge to just kiss him then and there. The officiant then smiled. 

"Then, with no objections, I now pronounce you two man and wife. You may kiss the bride." They said, and the two instantly followed, tears of joy streaming from their eyes as cheers from the crowd followed; even Sevika was there, smiling and clapping for them. Once the two separated, they looked into each others eyes. 

"Hello, my husband." Jinx smiled. 

"Hello, my wife." Ekko chuckled, taking her hand as someone turned on the blacklights, highlighting the design and existence of Jinx and Ekkos outfits as they walked down from the altar, being congratulated by everyone they saw, though they stayed together no matter where they were. Cutting the cake and presents wasnt too exciting, they mostly got money. However their first dance was beautiful. The two approached the floor and "Marry You" by Bruno Mars started playing. 

 'It's a beautiful night,'

 Ekko took Jinx's hand. 

 'We're looking for something dumb to do, hey baby;' 

They looked into the others eyes and quietly sang the next line 

"I think I wanna marry you." 

 They both danced, and later on into the night they went home, where their honeymoon would be spent, cuddling.

Marry You - A Timebomb (Ekko x Jinx) Wedding oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now