Bingo! She's here! And she sings wonderfully. As wonderful as she is.
Well, she's not the "type" of girl that everyone would prefer dating with. She's chubby and a little shorter than I am. Her hair is a long, straight black hair that flows beautifully along with the breeze. For me, she's the most beautiful girl in town. She is very smart too. I guess she's smarter than me or Threin even if we're already Lorics and she's not.
Wooooppsss! Someone poke his finger in the hole I'm peaking at.
"Get in here, lad." It was Mang Tony. I hesitated but I can't do anything about it when Jean peaked at the window and waved at me. Can I? "You're not supposed to be here until 3pm."
"Class sucks." I say after waving back to Jean.
"Hello Johann. Yeah, school sucks." She laughs. I enter the door to find them working on a new song.
"Since when did you started agreeing with each other, huh love birds?" He's teases me, I know how he does it.
"Love bird? Was that another character in your book?" I say as Mang Tony grabs a stool for me to sit on to.
"I actually like love birds." She answered. I almost answered "I like them too. Because you like them."
"My books are not for puppy love nor for a brain dead like you, lad." He made me sit beside Jean. I blushed. "Since the violinist is here, he might wanna jam with us, might he?"
"Yeah sure. I just don't know what song you're trying to learn." I said pointing to the music stand in front of Jean.
"It's a french song. Mr.T here picked it up for me." She handed me the sheet music. "Title's Chantons les Amours de Jean. It says in the chorus that a Johnny guy loves Jean whatever. Mr.T picked it for me since it has my name on it. And I really, really love the melody."
I love you too. I mean, I love that melody too. And you are my melody so.. Oh shut up! Have the guts to tell her that!
I snap from my trans when Mang Tony ask if we're ready. "W-w-wait! W-what am I supposed to play in here?"
"Hmmm... Well I guess we'll have to play it first so you could listen to the melody and then maybe on the second stanza you can make a harmony? Or something?" She suggested.
God! I'm dumb in front of her.
"Will you look at that? The Lady bird has the brains." Jean pretended to bow. "And the Gulliboy a schmuck. What a shame." Says Mang Tony.
Dumb dumb dumb!
"W-well okay. Let's hear it?" I try to retract the conversation.
"You know lad," he wiggles his right index finger while taking a seat beside the upright piano. "I always thought you were musically gifted..." Here he goes again. "...but now, I don't..."
"Uh shut up! Can you just play the freaking song?" I try to sound tough while Jean silently laughs at us.
"Yeah yeah alright, here we go."
The music is awesome. It's really really good. She sings it perfectly. I mean, no bias. It's really really perfect.
And so when I had the feel. When I caught the mood. I began playing with them. Trying not to overpower the other parts of the music and just set the flow. Set the waves of the wonderful sea of pitches and rhythm. And before we knew it, the song ended perfectly.
"That's... That wasn't bad, lad. Not bad at all." He said to me wide eyed. I got a little disappointed when I heard his comment coz I actually thought It was perfect.
"No. I think it's perfect." She said and I blushed. We're perfect together. "I mean I loved the way you harmonized with me. I-it was amazing. You did an amazing job Johann. You totally do."
"Thanks." I say trying to hide my red face.
"No, I should be the one thanking you. Seriously. You are an amazing musician. I've never heard anyone play like you do."
"And your voice is exceptional too. I love the shape of your voice, it's not the kind of voice most sopranos have. I mean, they like their voices thin and twangy or something." I said to compliment her back. I mean it.
"You didn't just say I'm fat did you?" She pouted.
"No! That's not what I meant. I mean I like the way you shape your voice."
"You mean my voice is fat?" She raises her right brow.
"I didn't say that. I mean..."
She squeezed my cheeks with both of her hands, "I'm just kidding, dummy!" I let out a sigh of relief. "I know what my voice shapes like. And I think, I like your compliment. Thanks for that."
She turned to face Mang tony who's been laughing silently at the corner. "Well Mr.T, I've got to get going now. I still have to go to the university later so, thanks for the extra fifteen minutes. It was a treasure."
"My pleasure dear angel." They shake hands after Jean fixed her things to her backpack.
"Bye Mr.T! Bye Johann!" And then she's gone for today.
Oh my gosh! I badly wish to alter my name to Johnny, how great it must've been if she sings my name in a song. I am very very thankful that I didn't go to Judo class today. Very very thankful.

The next day, I passed by the gym's lobby to drop the Judo lessons when I saw a poster. It says:
"Katana Rocks! Samurai Rocks! Ninja Sucks! Learn the way of the sword and beat some Ninja ass. Enroll now! Limited offer and slot!"
Sweet! That's just exactly what I need.
To kick Threin's butt, I need to learn how to swing a paddle.
I took one of the slots. And it changed my life forever.
As I practice my new found Art, I started to win over Threin on trainings. I finally had a match with him.
Who needs legacies now?

One day, Mang Tony secretly took one of my favorite practice katanas and sent it to his Loric friend. When I came looking for it the next day, he said he hasn't seen it for quite sometime. And on my eighteenth birthday, he told me that he has found my sword. But before he handed it to me, he broke it into half and said that the katana was awfully made.
He then handed me a new katana forged in Lorien. Made of a rare indestructible metal only seen in Lorien. The ornaments on the handle is astonishingly crafted with a gold-like metal.
"That is called Icarus. A precious metal in Lorien." He told me as he notices me running my fingers across the ornament. "It's pretty much the same with gold, only that It's very light and it never corrodes."
"How'd you get this? I mean how much?"
"Hahaha! This sword is made by one of the finest blacksmiths in Lorien. His name is Gal Lem." I gave him a glare. A look that's enough to tell him "so? You didn't answer my question."
"There are certain things that you have to understand if you wanna go to Lorien." Yeah right, as if I'm going there or as if I'm going anywhere, "Almost everything in Lorien is superior to Earth. If you think diamonds are precious, think again. I can show you a mineral that is five times more precious than that."
I shook my head impatiently, "And the point is?"
"Gal Lem is a very good friend of mine. That's why when I told him to copy the aesthetics of your sword, VOILA! He made it for me free of charge!"
I was about to say "Wow, and you didn't even have to pay for the materials?" when he added, "The point is, nothing in Lorien's splendor can compare to the glory of a Loric friendship."
"Wow, and you didn't even have to pay for the materials?" There I've said it.
"It doesn't make sense. Who in his right mind would spend that much for a friend? I mean, this could mean a lot to him and his family."
"On the contrary, I makes a perfect sense. Lorien is one big family. And let not the systems of this world confuse you. The economy of Lorien does not depend on money. To us, money is not a necessity."
I open the lid of the sword halfway, "The perfect planet Lorien, huh?" I gaze on my reflection on the blade, "How I wish I could go there."
"I believe you will, someday." It felt true. And I'm looking forward to it. "I'll try to sneak you there on your 21st birthday." His eyes told me he will do it.
I cut myself from my delusions and snap to reality, "Nah. That wouldn't be necessary. I don't want you get punished for it."
"One day can't be that bad, could it be?"
I remember the time when I got in trouble for wanting too many toys,"I already have a splendid sword-I'd bet my teacher would wish he could have one for himself too-what else could I wish for?" Surely this sword is more than I deserve from Mang Tony. In fact, he's never compelled to give me anything on my birthday. And I am very very grateful that he bothered to give. After all, it's the thought that counts. Mom and Threin never seemed to remember my birthday anymore, so I'm glad that someone remembered. "Thank you Da..." I really wanna say it, because he's been a real family to me when all the real members of mine had drifted away. But I can't. I don't know why I can't. "Thank you, Mang Tony. Thank you so much."
He hugged me and I return it.
We went out it try the katana which no description can derive for a couple of hours and went fishing after that. When we got back to Mang Tony's cottage, I was surprise to see Jean fixing the table for supper.
She said it was her mom who cooked the food when I praised the cooking (which was truly the most delicious food I've ever tasted).
"That does NOT work on me, Johann." She says.
"It's true! I really mean it. If my Mom could cook like yours do, I'll..." I bit my tounge.
"You're what? You're gonna get fat? Is that what you're about to say?"
"What? No! Where'd you get that?"
"Don't tell me it's your birthday, I'd still hurt you." She's laughing but I know she means it.
We're almost done eating when she added, "Oh yeah time for dessert!" She closed the fridge after taking out a Graham ref cake. It is topped with cream, crushed graham and mango.
When I ate a spoonful of it, it sent me to dessert heaven.
"Ugh! Shut up." She said. There must be something in my facial expression.
"I just came down from heaven." I shoved another spoon full of the cake. "Whoever made this must be an Angel." I say while my mouth is still full.
She shook her her slightly and said, "It is I, my dear lord." She bowed like she's a king's servant. "Thank you muh-lord."
But it was I who washed the dishes to conclude the night.
So much for a birthday boy.

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