Chapter 2

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*Jessica (Aurelia's mom) P.O.V.*

     Our first day in town I had an interview at a law firm. "Jessica Richído," the assistant called. I stood flattening my skirt before walking into the office. "Mrs. Richído. Your resume is quite impressive. We did a reference check on you last firm of employment and you were highly recommended. So what I must ask is why you decided to come to us," the main boss asked. "Well I loved my old firm very much, but when my husband passed there was too many memories back home. And it made it difficult to focus on my job, so I moved to the Valley to start fresh," I explained. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear about your husband. If I may, how did he pass," he asked. "Thank you. He was a Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant. His unit was ambushed while he was deployed and he didn't make it," I said simply. "Oh. I'm so sorry," he said. "Thank you. Back to the interview. I believe I can make a difference here if you give me a chance at your firm," I said wiping the start of tears. "Well then, I believe we could use an attitude like yours. Can you start next week," he asked. "Oh my gosh. Yes. Yes. Of course. Thank you," I said shaking his hand.

*Aurielia P.O.V.*

     After school I rushed outside and saw my mom pull up just as I walked out of the doors. "How was school, baby," mom asked. "It was okay," I said climbing into the front seat. I heard her let out a sigh as she looked at the school, that's weird. "So how did your interview go," I asked bringing her back. "Great. I got the job," she said cheerfully. We rode home and when we stepped through the doors my brother went to the kitchen for a snack with mom right behind him. "I'm going to be in my room, doing my homework," I said. "Okay," mom called. I went to my room and let my hair down before starting my homework. I finished everything within a couple hours before sitting on my bed and watching my favorite movie Top Gun.

    The next few weeks passed mostly smoothly. I ignored the boys and focused on my studies. Every so often I would run into Miguel and his friend Hawk. Everytime I would talk with them, Miguel would bring up my Papa and I would have to rush off before they saw the tears. "Lia is everything okay at home. You used to talk about your dad with so much pride, but now you leave every time I mention him," Miguel asked. "Maybe you should ask your mom," I said before running off to the bathroom to recompose myself. "Breathe Lia. He would want you to be tough. You're a damn Marine Brat for Christ's sake," I said to my reflection. I just finished recomposing myself when the bell for next class rang.

    I walked into my next class and took my seat. "Hey Aurielia," Hawk said sitting in the seat next to me. "Hey Hawk," I said. "I was wondering if you would like to, if you want to join me," he rambled. "Are you trying to ask me out," I asked turning to him. "Yes. So will you," he asked. "I don't date," I said turning back to the front. "Come on just one date," he begged. "No. I don't date," I said not looking at him. "Come on, pl," he began before he was interrupted by the bell. After school I walked out to look for my mom but didn't see her, then I got a text.

Held up at work. Gonna be a while. You can go home or hang out with some friends. Text me what you decide.

     "Hey Lia," Miguel said coming out with Hawk and a few others. "Hey Miguel," I said with a sigh sliding my phone in my back pocket. "Mom running behind," he asked. "Yeah she's held up at work. I need to find a hobby outside of school," I said. "You could join Cobra Kai. We could always use another girl," the girl said. "What the hell is Cobra Kai," I asked. "Come with us," Hawk said with a smirk. I followed them to a strip mall and we walked into one of the areas. "Sensei we brought a new student," Miguel called. A man in his mid forties walked out in some kind of robe outfit and looked me up and down. "You got money," he asked. "Well my mom is an attorney," I said. "So yes. Go get changed then we'll see what you got," he said.

   I went with the other girl and we got changed before joining the boys on the mat. "Diaz. New girl. On the mat," he instructed. "A-Are you sure," I stuttered. "What you scared you'll loose," he asked. "No," I said. "Then bring it," he said getting into a fighting stance. I did the same and we were given the signal to begin. We went back and forth for a while, I used moves that my mom and Papa taught me. I finally took him down with a leg sweep and sat on his chest pinning his arms with my knees. "Woah," the other kids said. I got up and helped him up as well. "Welcome to Cobra Kai. How come you're just now joining us," the guy said. "Oh I just moved here from New York about a week ago," I said. "Well, welcome to the valley," he said shaking my hand.

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