The Oscars Awards Night

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Jake is wearing

Hailey Martino (Jakes celebrity crush) is wearing

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Hailey Martino (Jakes celebrity crush) is wearing

Red carpet timeET reporter: look here comes Jake Short

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Red carpet time
ET reporter: look here comes Jake Short.
ET reporter: hey Jake Short? Wow you look good tonight!
Jake: yeah I am here because I am making a surprise announcement that you'll all have to wait and see what it is.
ET reporter: ooh we can't wait to hear it.

James Corden: so Jake Short has a exciting announcement so please welcome Jake Short onto the stage.

Jake: hi all, I am officially retiring from acting. I've found my passion lies elsewhere. I will be attending TCU to study Secondary education. I hope become an administrative person in the education field. Thanks to all my fans who have supported me through out the years. Onto the next adventure.
James Corden: please welcome Hailey Martino as she has a announcement too.
Hailey: hi, I am also going to be attending TCU to study secondary education with hope of being a history or English teacher. I want to thank my fans for supporting Me the last two years. Thank you have a great night.

Jake is standing backstage with his jaw dropped.
Jake: hi Hailey, your attending TCU also?
Hailey: yes I am.
Jake: why?
Hailey: because my crush is going to be going there and besides I'm tired of  paparazzi following me around.
Jake: wait a minute are you saying I'm your crush?
Hailey: alright yes you got me! You've been my crush ever since lab rats elite force.
Jake: OMG I have a crazy confession. You've been my crush since you were on the one season of the stuck in the middle spinoff last year it just finished airing. Do you think it will get another season?
Hailey: OMG the producers of the show are calling me. Hold on I have to take this.
Producer:  Hailey guess what??
Hailey: what??
Producer: the show has been renewed for 5 seasons. But your lead co star has quit. So we want to know should we cast a new guy?
Hailey: wait i know the perfect guy for the role. His name is Jake Short he's worked with Disney before. He is a great actor. But filming would have to be over the summer for seasons 3-5 because we both quincentennial are attending TCU to study secondary education starting this fall. If you don't want to loose me you will have to film asap- august 10th because move in for TCU freshman is august 15th.
Producer: tell Jake since hes worked with Disney before hes hired for the role of your love interest.
Hailey: I will bye talk to you soon.
Hailey hangs up.
Jake: what was that for?
Hailey: well since your my crush and we both admitted it I thought I'd be nice and help you get one final role.
Jake immediately kisses Hailey.
Jake: thank you Hailey! Would you want to be my girlfriend?
Hailey: OMG yes!
Jake and Hailey exchange cell phone numbers.

Love, Jake ShortWhere stories live. Discover now