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"Liv? You are taking a awful lot of time dear" Caroline says

"I got your toy!" Liz says as she walked down the stairs

No answer

Liz looked at Caroline and raised her eye brow.

Caroline then went out back to see if liv had fell or forgot to bring in the pans or not.

When she walked out she seen that it Olivia was no longer there.

"MOM!" Caroline Called

"Yes dear?" Liz asked

"She's gone!" Caroline says

"What do you mean she's gone?" Liz asked

"Call her parents! We have to find her quickly...she can't have gone far." Caroline was getting more impatient by the minute.


Hope was on the phone with jay jeon, the founder of the cocomelon.

Hope wanted this to be livs first and best birthday with hope.

She might not have wanted that to be her first party with her daughter but it was no changing that.

You can't change the past so Hope is just working on making things better with her daughter and making sure that life gets better along the way with her.

Hope phone started ranging.

"I'm going to have to call you back jay" Hope says

"No need, me and my buddies will be there in full costume..." jay says

"You really are the best." Hope says

"Hey, you are the one paying hundreds of dollars just for your little girls happiness, you are the best hope." Jay says

"I'll talk with you later jay" Hope says before clicking the line over.

"What's up?" Hope asked

"Don't get mad." Caroline starts

"Did you give liv sushi? Please tell me you didn't? She can't have that and it makes her stomach ache." Hope says as she puts her coat over her shoulder.

"Bigger problems" Caroline says

"Can't you just say it already? Even if it's probably not as a problem as you are making it out to be, I'm on my way to pick up my beautiful daughter...I know Lizzie dropped her off there" Hope says as she gets into her car.

"That's the problem, she's gone." Caroline says

"What the hell do you mean she's gone? Where the hell is my daughter Caroline?" Hope asked

Caroline knew not to correct her on how disrespectful Hope sounded because if that was her she would be the same way.

"I need you to get Josie over here, I think we can be able to do a locator spell just in time, I know she hasn't gone far." Caroline says

"I'll be there" Hope says


Lizzie was with Milton and Ethan at this point and everything was set up for livs party, they just had to get the food ready tomorrow so that it wouldn't be left out over night.

"Well done boys. I hope you guys are ready for tomorrow, it's going to be the best party of my nieces life." Lizzie guaranteed

"We always plan the best birthday parties" Mg says

"Yeah we do, but now she has both of her parents, so it's going to be extra special." Lizzie smiled.

Hope then called Lizzie and told her about the news.

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